Easy listening on Paris Avenue

By Bob Sofaly

Once again Mother Nature did her part and provided perfect weather for Saturday’s second installment of the 7th Annual Street Music on Paris Avenue Spring Series of outdoor concerts. The Terry Herron Band from Hilton Island slowed things down with light, easy listening jazz. The concerts, sponsored by the Town of Port Royal, are free to the public and coolers (within reason) are allowed.

These are fun and easy so put the next two on your calendar. On June 13th, you will be listening to the Conservation Theory bluegrass band from Tamassee, SC.  All concerts begin at 6:30 p.m. Bring your own chairs, blankets, and libations.

E.G. Knight, another blues and jazz band, will close out the Spring Series on June 27th. The Summer Series, according to J.W. Rone, will kick off sometime in August, though the exact date hasn’t been set yet and will be announced at a later date.

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