Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen poses with Lady Pamela.

Democratic rally, fish fry held at Penn Center

Bakari Sellers gets a hug from a Beaufort County Democratic supporter.
Bakari Sellers gets a hug from a Beaufort County Democratic supporter.

About 200 people turned out at Penn Center on a hot, humid Lowcountry afternoon last weekend to meet and mingle with fellow Democrats and several Democratic candidates, listen to stump speeches, and enjoy some fried fish. Among the candidates who attended the event were Sen. Vincent Sheheen, the gubernatorial nominee who faces Gov. Nikki Haley in the upcoming election; Rep. Bakari Sellers, a 30-year-old four-term state legislator and the nominee for Lt. Governor; and Joyce Dickerson, who will face incumbent Sen. Tim Scott on the November ballot. “We wanted to give folks the opportunity to meet the candidates and get to know where they stand on the issues that matter to the people of Beaufort County,” said St. Helena resident John Glover, one of the organizers of the event. “I feel the event was successful in inspiring people to get involved, but most importantly, encouraging them to vote on November 4.”

Candidate Joyce Dickerson gets into the spirit of the day by helping to serve fried fish to guests.
Candidate Joyce Dickerson gets into the spirit of the day by helping to serve fried fish to guests.
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen poses with Lady Pamela.
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen poses with Lady Pamela.








Rep. Bakari Sellers speaks to a crowd at Penn Center last Saturday, Sept. 13.
Rep. Bakari Sellers speaks to a crowd at Penn Center last Saturday, Sept. 13.
Joyce Dickerson greets voters at last week’s Democratic event.
Joyce Dickerson greets voters at last week’s Democratic event.








Candidate Vincent Sheheen takes the  time to talk to voters one on one.
Candidate Vincent Sheheen takes the
time to talk to voters one on one.







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