Culprits of chronic bad breath

Having halitosis, which is chronic bad breath, can be pretty embarrassing. And if you think it’s only caused by the kinds of food you eat, guess again.

Karyn Kahn, DDS, dentist with Cleveland Clinic explains, there can be many culprits, like the bacteria in your mouth.

“This bacteria then metabolizes the sugar and carbohydrates. It’s the beginning of digestion in the mouth and the byproducts of the bacteria can produce a sulfur-smelling odor,” said Dr. Kahn.

She said the best way to get rid of that bacteria is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly. The same goes for brushing your tongue, it can also harbor bacteria.

Some other culprits behind bad breath can include being a smoker, having a dry mouth, tooth decay, oral infection, or even certain medical conditions. For example, if you’re diabetic or suffer from acid reflux.

Dr. Kahn said people with dentures aren’t spared from bad breath either and still need to go to the dentist at least once a year.

“The dentist will look for any sores in your mouth. They’ll evaluate the fit of your dentures. They can run it through an ultrasonic cleaner to clean any debris and also recommend possibly a lab-fashioned reline if the dentures are not fitting properly. All of this breeds bacteria,” she said.

If brushing and flossing your teeth doesn’t seem to be helping with bad breath, you should talk with your dentist. They can help get to the root of the problem.

Source:, August 23, 2023

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