Croquet Picnic fundraiser for AMIkids

With challenges ranging from an aging infrastructure to the continuing push to enhance programs, the May 16th AMIkids Beaufort Croquet Picnic fundraiser comes at just the right time. COMMUNITY - TBD - croquet

“We have a fantastic event, and we raise money for a great cause – helping young men earn a second chance,” said Jimmy Boozer, chairman of AMIkids Beaufort. “This is our 24th croquet tournament and picnic and each year the participants make it better.”

“We owe so much of our success to the hospitality and wonderful people at Brays Island, who donate part of their golf course to us each spring to set up the croquet,” Boozer said.

AMIkids Beaufort is a residential facility in Dale that provides not only education but numerous hands-on educational opportunities, treatment and behavior modification assistance. AMIkids also partners with eight community service projects throughout Beaufort County. Only male teens convicted of non-violent offenses can participate. Students work toward their high school equivalency diplomas. Additionally, for the past three years, the young men also have been able to earn welding certificates to help them develop job skills.

The Croquet Picnic will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Brays Island off US 17 in Sheldon, about 15 miles west of Beaufort. A “Captain’s Party” for all participants will be held May 15th at the historic Marshlands home of Brantley Harvey Jr. in Beaufort’s National Historic Landmark District. New this year, the always-anticipated silent auction will be held during the Captains’ Party. The silent auction helps raise money for the program, formerly known as Beaufort Marine Institute. Items range from golf outings to catered dinners aboard yachts and in historic mansions, to custom jewelry to vacation getaways.

“Teams of four or more people are encouraged to enter the croquet tournament”, said Dr. Mike Harris, co-organizer of the AMIkids Beaufort Croquet Picnic.

“We have a lot of fun with the croquet and it ranges from serious players to people just out for a fun day for a good cause. This event is more of a picnic than a tournament. You definitely don’t have to be good at croquet to have a good time at this event,” Harris said.

Also new this year, items created by the AMIkids Beaufort welding students will be included in the silent auction.

For more information or to sign up a croquet team, call Dr. Mike Harris at 843-524-3770 or Mike Ingram at 843-846-3149. To learn more about AMIkids Beaufort, visit

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