Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity exercise set for Wednesday at USCB

From staff reports

TheUniversity of South Carolina Beaufort (USCB) is collaborating with the South Coast Cyber Center to host a critical cybersecurity exercise set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the USCB Cyber Lab, 1100 Boundary Street in Beaufort.
Critical infrastructure — including hospitals, water and sewer systems, internet service providers, and emergency and police services— plays an essential role in public health and safety. In recognition of this, the South Coast Cyber Center, a nonprofit organization established in Beaufort in 2020, has partnered with USCB, the Technical College of the Lowcountry, the Beaufort Digital Corridor, the Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation, local business leaders, and local government agencies of Beaufort County and the City of Beaufort, to address the challenges of cybersecurity through education and training.

“This exercise will bring together leaders of key organizations from around the county to present them with a series of cybersecurity challenges to work through. These exercises allow us to develop new tactics and procedures and gain cybersecurity working relationships and knowledge across our various organizations,” South Coast Cyber Center Chairman Warren Parker said in a news release.
The “Tabletop Exercise” will bring together leaders from various sectors, including business, law enforcement, emergency services, and key infrastructure components, to collaboratively address complex cybersecurity challenges. USCB students will participate in portions of the exercise.

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