Beaufort County Council has approved the preservation of Coosaw Plantation in northern Beaufort County at the lowest price per acre in the history of the County’s Rural and Critical Land Preservation Program through the purchase of development rights and a conservation easement.

The 1,584 parcel includes sensitive wetlands and 10-miles of waterfront along rivers and creeks. It was acquired for $833,000 from Beaufort County and $1.66 million from the Department of Defense. The purchase was made in partnership with the US Marine Corps as part of the ongoing effort to protect the Marine Corps Air Station from encroaching development. The property lies in the MCAS Air Installation and Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ).

Beaufort County Council Chairman Weston Newton said the acquisition fits squarely into the requirements of the County’s land preservation program by protecting valuable rural property. “Through the Rural and Critical Lands Program, Beaufort County is also able to leverage its funds at an exceptional value. When citizens overwhelmingly approved funding for this program; their wishes became clear — they want to save vulnerable properties. This particular purchase has the added benefit of protecting the air station from encroaching development which, in turn, protects a valuable sector of our local economy.”

The property is owned by the Sanford Land Company, LLC and was purchased in 1965 for a family home by Dr. Marshall Clement Sanford, Sr., father of former Gov. Mark Sanford.

The sale was negotiated by the non-profit organization, the Beaufort County Open Land Trust, the County’s land purchasing partner.


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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home