County citizens can now be part of South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association

In response to the increasing number of people wanting to assist law enforcement officials in building a stronger partnership in the fight against crime, Sheriff PJ Tanner is pleased to announce that Beaufort County citizens are being invited to become Honorary Members of the South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association.

Membership appeals are being issued this month.  Individuals choosing to join the voluntary program can do so for as little as $25, while businesses can show their support for a $50 contribution.  The funding provides critically important technical resources, training and legislative support on key criminal justice issues. Contributions are tax deductible.

“With government funding becoming increasingly difficult to secure, the membership drive has taken on greater importance than ever before, said Sheriff Tanner.  “The funding is vital to helping the Association carry out our mission of making our communities safer places to live, work and play.”

The South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association provides aggressive advocacy using the strong unified voice of our 46 Sheriffs.  The Association is a key player in shaping state policy on public safety and crime prevention, as well as providing critical training to Sheriffs’ teams and education to member citizen/businesses.

Individuals that do not receive a membership appeal and would like more information can do so by contacting the South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association at:  112 Westpark Blvd., Columbia, SC 29210.  Phone:  803-772-1101. Information is also available online,  It is a valuable investment in the future.

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