CORRECTIONS: We must apologize for three errors we recently perpetrated. First, in the issue of December 10th, we incorrectly printed Andree Lloyd’s title as Executive Director of Friends of Caroline Hospice. Her correct title is Community Outreach Director and Lindsay Roberg is the Executive Director of this fine organization. Our second error was not noticing that we had not changed the name of one of the people in our Who’s News section last week. That lovely young lady who has joined Beaufort Memorial Hospital is really Pauline Phillips, not Mac Sanders. We are so sorry if this caused anyone confusion. The third error is reprinted correctly below.
![Pictured Principal, Corey Murphy, Ann Paige (Winning Orthodontic Smiles), Lila Marton, Austin Burnett and Janet Villalta (Winning Orthodontic Smiles.)](
Beaufort High School’s Ms. Marton won $100 for classroom supplies after student, Austin Burnett, entered her in the Favorite Teacher Contest held in the office of Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle.