Coronavirus update: 82 more cases bring SC total to 424; 26 cases in Beaufort County

From staff reports

There are 82 additional cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in South Carolina according to the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) bringing the total number statewide to 424 cases.

The total in Beaufort County stands at 26 after four additional cases were announced. South Carolina’s death toll is seven after DHEC reported two deaths Tuesday.

Two previously reported cases, one in Lexington County and one in Lancaster County, have been subtracted from the state’s total case count as those individuals were determined, through further investigation, to reside out of state. DHEC reports positive cases based on an individual’s county of residence.

As part of DHEC’s daily update to its web page (, current aggregate data for positive cases is available. This data includes reporting on positive cases by age group, gender, race and hospitalization at the time of illness. This information will continue to be updated on a weekly basis.

Additionally, projections for new cases of COVID-19 in the state through May 2 are also included in today’s web update. This data projects 2,657 cumulative cases by April 2 and 8,053 cases by May 2, however, projected data is estimated and may change significantly due to various factors.

“As the number of cases in the state significantly increases, the method for controlling the disease spread changes from in-depth investigations of every individual case to community strategies,” Dr. Brannon Traxler, DHEC physician consultant, said in a release. “Residents should not expect individual notification that they were exposed to a case, rather everyone should practice social distancing, stay home and stay away from other people if they’re sick, and wash their hands frequently with soap and water.”

Also, there were two additional deaths related to the novel coronavirus COVID-19, bringing the state’s total number of deaths to seven.

One patient was an elderly person from Florence County who had underlying health conditions. The second patient was an elderly person from Horry County with no underlying health conditions.

After further investigation, an individual who passed away and was reported as residing in Kershaw County has been determined to have a Sumter County residence. DHEC reports cases based on the county of residence.

Note: As new information is provided to the department, some changes in cases may occur. Cases are reported based on the individual’s county of residence, as it is provided to the department. DHEC’s COVID-19 map will adjust to reflect any reclassified cases.

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