The Friends of Hunting Island is sponsoring the 4th Annual Sand Sculpture Contest at Hunting Island State Park on Saturday, July 28. The contest runs from 1 to 4 p.m., with the awards ceremony scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. Contestants register at the North Beach, near the lighthouse.
There is no cost to compete and entertainment will be provided by the Side Street Walkers.
Gather your kids, friends, co-workers and put a team together. You can enter as an individual or as a team. Prizes will be awarded in all five categories.
Tools permitted to build your masterpieces are buckets, shovels, sand scoops, carving tools, putty knives, spray bottles for water, and kitchen utensils. Materials are limited to only natural materials found on/near the beach. Decorations such as shells, reeds, and small rocks may be used.
Judging will be based on originality, composition, and technique. Last year, 30 sculptures were created by more than 100 sand sculpture aficionados.
For details, call Bruce Doneff at 843-476-3022.
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