Congrats to the winner of our Mommy Makeover

We received many wonderful nominations for The Island News’ 2014 Mommy Makeover contest, thank you to all the friends and family members who took the time to describe the amazing, deserving moms in your life. It was truly a difficult decision, but the winner of this year’s Mommy Makeover goes to Kathy Bauer. She will get her hair and makeup done at Lime Lite Salon and enjoy dinner for two at Saltus. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms in our community!

Kathy Bauer, winner of The Island News' Mommy Makeover 2014.
Kathy Bauer, winner of The Island News’ Mommy Makeover 2014.
 Kathy was nominated by her daughter, Carrie Carper. Here is the entry Carrie wrote to describe why her mother deserved to win Mommy Makeover:”My mother is 64 years young and has been a fighter her entire life. First for herself and now for her husband.  Her newest battle is standing by him as he battled extensive lung cancer….this is not easy. Fifteen years prior she was his caretaker as he recuperated from an accident that nearly – and should have – taken his life, but left him with totally reconstructed feet and ankles. She held him up when he was weak, period.

My mother is chronically ill herself, suffering from Multiple Sclerosis for at least 16 years. She has trouble walking some days, balancing others and on her worst days, talking. She has chronic headaches, blurred vision and hurts constantly. She has proven to be so very strong during her husband’s fight, and not once has taken a minute for herself. She doesn’t believe in spending money on herself  and never will. She needs a day, an hour, a minute…to remember that she is loved and is beautiful.”

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