Community Tidbits

Parish Church of St. Helena offers summer camp 

“Veggie Fun World 2013” is a Christian summer program for children offered June 24-28 by the Parish Church of St. Helena, in downtown Beaufort. The second summer camp will be offered July 29-Aug. 2. Each program is distinct but related by the heroic super “Veggie Tales” characters used in crafts, songs, and activities. Praise music leader Michael McIntyre will lead our sing-along time. Children will enjoy outside games, water and sand tables, crafts, puppets, Bible stories, and Scripture verses. The daytime summer program runs from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. each day.

Each session has age-appropriate groups for children 18 months through 6 years of age. Each session costs $110 per child which includes all snacks and craft supplies. All children are welcome to come and share in hearing the good news about Jesus with Veggie friends and story tellers. For questions, contact Roz Dixon at 843-522-1712, ext. 220, or email her at Register and pay online at


DAR presents certificate to ROTC high schooler 

The Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was pleased to present the Daughters of the American Revolution Certificate as well as a bronze ROTC metal to Cadet First Lieutenant Grecia Quintana of Battery Creek High School for excelling in the Junior ROTC program. The presentation was made by Lt. Col. Ray Ganas on April 26. The ladies of the DAR are proud to support the programs of Junior ROTC and feel that they promote pride, discipline, and love of country. For more information about the DAR please contact Regent Charlene Shufelt at 525-0158.


Author speaks to United Way about ‘forgotten’ SC 

“Forgotten South Carolina: From Legacy of Shame to Blueprint for the Future” written and produced by Charleston Post & Courier journalist Doug Pardue will be presented by the author as the first in a series of “Taking Bold Action! Community Dialogues” initiated by the Women’s Leadership Council of the United Way of the Lowcountry.  Mr. Pardue is nationally-recognized as a champion for the “forgotten” of our state — those without access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunity that many residents of the Lowcountry enjoy. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, June 5 from 4 until 6 p.m. on the USCB Bluffton campus. Please contact Lesley Holladay at the United Way to RSVP for this event: call 843-982-3040 or email

Local author Garrity to sign copies of her book 

Author and photographer Janet Garrity will be signing copies of her book “Goin’ Down the River, Fish Camps of the Sea Islands” at the Farmer’s Market at Sea Pines Center, on Hilton Head, on Tuesday, June 4, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The book signing and the farmer’s market are sponsored by Lowcountry Produce.

“’Goin’ Down the River’ makes the perfect gift for Father’s Day. My book solves that ‘hard to find the right gift for Dad’ problem, so when Lowcountry Produce asked me to return for another market day,” said Garrity, “it was perfect timing.” For information about Garrity’s book signing, call Lowcountry Produce at 843-686-3003. For more information about Garrity’s book visit

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HELP of Beaufort hosting fundraiser HELP of Beaufort is hosting a Smoked Ham fundraiser. The northern


ART Watercolor workshop 11 a.m to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 22, Morris Center For Lowcountry Heritage,