Childhood insomnia 

Insomnia, or trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, is largely thought of as an adult problem. But children can suffer from insomnia as well, and that can prove disruptive for the entire family. Children who do not receive an adequate amount of sleep can feel tired and irritable, and may have difficulty concentrating in school. Many factors can contribute to the onset of childhood insomnia. Kids, just like adults, can suffer from stress, which then manifests itself as worry or an overactive mind at night, says the Cleveland Clinic. Depression, anxiety, pain, or other medical problems also may be the catalyst for insomnia. While common insomnia medications used in adults are not approved for children, there are steps parents can take. A solid bedtime routine, including consistent bedtimes and wake times, can help combat child insomnia. Try to identify stressors and remedy them as well. In some instances, a pediatrician or therapist may be needed to help a child work through sleep-related issues.

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