Whale Branch 4th grader comes in 2nd in Chess Tournament:
A Beaufort County fourth grade student from Whale Branch Elementary competed and placed in the Ogeechee River Scholastic Chess Association Tournament in Statesboro, GA on Saturday, March 5th. Lucas R. Smith participated in the Elementary division and won a 2nd place trophy in the Individual Category. Around 110 players were in attendance. Lucas has been playing chess for a little over a year. He became interested in the game when Chess Coach Darrin Rogers began teaching him during friendly games at Whale Branch Elementary. The ORSCA tournament was only the 4th rated tournament where he has competed.

Beaufort Academy Chess Team places 3rd:
The BA chess team participated in the SC Scholastic Chess Tournament on Saturday, February 27th in Mt. Pleasant. The BA Team managed to come in 3rd despite having only four members in their Elementary team, as opposed to as many as 20 members on other teams! Fourth grader Whit Suber came in 9th place overall in the Elementary Division. Beaufort Academy will be attending the SCISA state chess tournament for private school on March 16.