Photo above: Mike Binkowski, a smoker of 50 years, is a survivor of lung cancer. Photo by Paul Nurnberg. By Marie McAden
MorePhoto above: Terri Goldenberg, center, owner of Massage Envy, is shown here with her door prize winners. Donnie Cranston, left, won a
MoreRon Callari, who took this shot, said, “This rickety old children’s playhouse is like something out of Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit.’” It was
MorePhoto above: An unidentified Vietnam veteran finds a friend in the crowd. Photos by Bob Sofaly. It was a gorgeous day for the Beaufort
MorePhoto above: Tony Makar and his mother Dolores Ziccarelto team up every Monday to cook lots of gourmet meals to be distributed
MorePhoto above: Aunt Pearlie Sue, portrayed by Anita Singleton, was the mistress of ceremonies during the annual Heritage Days celebration at Penn Center.