Calling All Children to Veggie Fun World!

The whistle blows, the participants cheer and shouts of exhortation fill the air as all of the participants in the Parish Church of St. Helena’s summertime Veggie Fun World begin to Run! They are not running aimlessly. No, they are running with purpose–they want to win the prize of the higher call in Christ Jesus. The race is not to the swiftest but for all who want to exercise their creative juices, memorize Scripture, build fun team relationships, and get messy in outside activities. Water and sand are definitely part of the fun, as is making giant kid-size bubbles and throwing water balloons at Bob and Larry. It’s OK–they are waterproof.

Veggie Fun World has three sessions scheduled during the summer. All children will design their own unique t-shirt with each session’s theme. Session one coincides with the older children’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) program in cooperation with Praise Assembly in Shell Point. The dates for VBS and Veggie Fun World I are June 20-24, everyday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The fee for Veggie Fun World I is $130 per child, ages 18 months to 6 years, with online registration and payment available at The theme for the first session is Run and will emphasize the race we are in as Christians. Remember that spaces are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Our regular trained nursery staff will be present to lead and encourage the children as they look to win the overcomer’s prize.

Veggie Fun World II will be July 18-29 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The fee for this longer session is $145 and can be reserved and paid online also. The theme for this session is Praise, and we will emphasize music, marching, and praise Scriptures. It, too, will have fun games, crafts, and outside activities.

Veggie Fun World III will be August 15-26 and will provide a happy transition into our regular fall school schedule. The days for activities will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Shout is the theme, and there is a hint of football in the air with kick, toss, and team competitions. Shouting is definitely encouraged as well and running, splashing, and creating outdoor murals of all the team members’ outlines painted with favorite team colors. Are you a gold and black, blue and white, or maybe teal and orange team? Let your team spirit shine through as we shout and cheer for each other.

Veggie Fun World seeks to encourage growth in body, mind, and spirit as we build fellowship in the body of Christ. We will provide professional nursery staff, crafts, games, music, and storytelling as we promote Biblical family values while having a whole lot of fun! We do hope to hear from your family this summer. Please consider joining us for one or more sessions. Contact Roz Dixon, Director of Nursery Ministry for the Parish Church of St. Helena, at, call (843) 812-8772 (cell) or (843) 522-1712, ext. 220 (work) for availability or with any questions. Run, Praise, and Shout to the praise of our Lord!


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