Bureau hires new P.R. manager

Christy Brewer will handle marketing for Visitor & Convention Bureau
The Beaufort Regional Chamberof Commerce Visitor & ConventionBureau (VCB) is pleased to announceChristy Brewer as the new Marketing& Public Relations Manager. Shewill be responsible for directing theVCB’s marketing efforts as the area’sdestination management organizationand for positioning the Beaufort areaas a premier leisure, event and groupmeeting destination.Christy comes to the bureau…


witha unique combination of marketingand advertising experience, includingnearly two years at the OverlandPark Visitor & Convention Bureau.Recently relocated to the Beaufort
area from Kansas City, Mo., Christy’sprevious employers include advertisingagency Sullivan Higdon & Sink, andCenturyLink, where she worked asa marketing manager. Christy is agraduate from the University of Kansaswith a Bachelor of Science degree injournalism and mass communications.Bob Moquin, Executive Directorof the VCB, stated Christy will beinstrumental in further advancing themission of the organization, which isto increase economic development fortourism-related businesses in Beaufort,Port Royal and the Sea Islands.“Christy’s strengths in strategicmarketing and innovative thinking add
additional depth to our team and willhelp us accomplish even more for theBeaufort area,” he said.“I’m very excited to be part of thisteam during such an integral time.There are a lot of opportunities totake advantage of in order to growand strengthen the organization. TheBeaufort area is a desirable destinationand I’m grateful for the chance to helppromote it with our industry partners,”Christy said.She can be contacted at Christy@beaufortsc.org or at 843.525.8521.Any questions regarding media andmarketing opportunities should bedirected to her.

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