Annual fundraiser supports Junior Service League

It was a picture perfect day Saturday for the third annual Touch a Truck event held by the Junior Service League of Beaufort on Nov. 3.
Paris Avenue was blocked off for huge work trucks of all kinds, but the biggest draw was the trucks and earth-moving equipment from the Beaufort County Storm Water Department. Their trucks had horns, and children of all ages worked the horns nonstop.
Last year’s Touch a Truck was rescheduled because of tropical weather, but there were no such concerns this time around.
“That hurricane just messed up everything for us”, said Layla Manning of the JSLB. “But the weather this year is perfect and we are just thrilled (at the attendance). Last year we made about $5,000, which we in turn put back into the community. We expect to surpass that amount this year because of the weather”.
Photo at top: One of the top trucks to sit in was this excavator from the Beaufort County Storm Water Department. Children got to sit in it and pull on the many handles and levers they could reach, as well as honk the horn. Photos by Bob Sofaly.