Larry Holman, President/CEO of the Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce attended the United States Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc. School of Chamber Management from July 24-27. The goal of the U.S. Black Chamber School of Chamber Management is to promote the growth, efficiency and influence of the minority chamber of commerce through education, training and the sharing of industry practices. The goal of the school is to help minority chamber executives and professionals build the skills needed to successfully manage and grow a chamber, facilitate small business growth and promote economic development.
Holman attended a three hour briefing from 9 a.m. to noon at the White House on July 27 along with more than 190 minority businesses and black chamber presidents and CEOs to discuss creating jobs with the SBA, CDFI, United States Trade Ambassador, Associate Administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development, National Director of the Minority Business Development Agency, and Department of Commerce.
Additionally, the school serves as a source of information on small and minority business development and industry trends. The cornerstones of the U.S. Black Chamber and the Beaufort County Black Chamber are the following five pillars of service: advocacy, access to capital, contracting, entrepreneur training, and chamber development. Through seminars, workshops, webinars, and online networking opportunities, members and school participants can collaborate with peers and obtain insight on how to address crucial chamber management issues.
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