CJ Cummings has done it again.

The recent Beaufort High School graduate swept gold at the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships on Monday in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, claiming his third consecutive junior world title.
Competing in the 69kg weight class, Cummings hit his first two lifts in the snatch — 136kg and 140kg — but missed his attempt at 145kg, which would have broken his current Junior and Senior Am
erican records for the third time this year.
Cummings went 3-for-3 in the clean and jerk, finishing with a lift of 176kg for a 316kg total and a 7kg margin over Romania’s Paul Dumitrascu.
Cummings also won overall gold at the IWF Junior World Championships in 2017 in Tokyo and in 2016 in Tbilisi, Georgia, but this is the first time he has swept all three gold medals. He’s also a two-time IWF Youth World Championship gold medalist.