Beaufort Stories Your Momma Never Told You (Continued)

By Arlene Heape Hull * Photos by Captured Moments Photography

They’re at it again! The “three unreliables” — Harry Chakides, Steven Keyserling and Bernie Schein — are picking back up where their stories left off last year. Sit back, relax and let your mind wander as you listen to Harry talk about times at Harry’s Tavern or hear Bernie tell you about when he asked his mother why his family didn’t have “roots.” Steve will entertain you with stories of growing up in a house full of brothers and the trouble they could get themselves and each other into.

DSCF6327If you’ve really listened, you’ve travelled back in time with the three of them to a time when there was only one bridge in town, when local telephone numbers were only four numbers or even easier you just told the operator who you wanted to talk to. You’re back in a time when most of the streets in the Mossy Oaks subdivision were dirt roads, Beaufort Memorial Hospital was a little red brick building and Eagles didn’t come from Beaufort High School but the Tidal Wave did.

It’s Alzheimer’s Family Services of Great Beaufort’s seventh annual dinner theatre to be held Saturday, June 15 at The Shed in Port Royal. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner stations open at 6:30 and the opening act at 7 p.m. Tickets are $60 in advance or $65 at the door; call 843-521-9190 or 843-263-2062.

DSCF6342This year’s event, an encore presentation of last year, with a few new stories, starts off with an opening act by Ron Daise of the Gullah Nation entertaining you with his Gullah stories. Ten different dinner stations with entrees donated by local restaurants such as award-winning shrimp and grits from Emily’s Restaurant and gumbo from “We Island” Gumbo N’ Tings will delight your appetite. A silent auction the night of the event will offer such items as the use of a mountain house, a beach house, art pieces from local artists, jewelry and a much treasured reserved parking spot at the marina for the week of the Water Festival.

All proceeds from this event benefit Alzheimer’s Family Services of Greater Beaufort.


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