Beaufort native Louise Murray, President of the Palmetto Soldiers Relief Society, recently presented Jody Henson and the Beaufort District Troop Flag Fund with a check for $500.00. The Society is comprised of women who support the South Carolina Palmetto Battalion of War Between the States reenactors. Many of these women are reenactors themselves, assisting in living history programs throughout South Carolina and other states. Henson is working with the Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum in Columbia to have the Beaufort District Troop Flag, a Confederate Flag, conserved by a national company and brought back on permanent loan to Beaufort where it will be on display at the new Beaufort History Museum later this year. The Confederate Unit was organized as Co. C of the Cavalry Battalion, Hampton’s Legion. It was raised from volunteers from a home guard of the same name in the summer of 1861. The unit later became Co. B of the 2nd Regiment, SC Cavalry, in August 1862.