The Beaufort Art Association announced the appointment of a new slate of officers and directors for the 2011- 2012 year during its annual luncheon held recently at the Callawassie Island Club.
President: Jacqueline Jones
President Elect: Bruce Hawkins
President Emeritus: Tom Van Steenbergh
Vice President, Spring Exhibit: Mary Lee Grove
Vice President, Membership: Barbara Hunt
Vice President, Gallery: Audrey Montgomery
Vice President, Satellite Galleries: Lynne Morgan
Recording Secretary: Ethelyn Morrison
Corresponding Secretary: Cynthia Zeiss
Treasurer: Larry Kay
Webmasters: Bruce Morgan; Laura Bricker
Director: Dee Ledlow
Director: Gay Torrey
Director: Susan Palmer
The Beaufort Art Association encourages, supports, and provides opportunities for the growth of all members and contributes to the community with aesthetic and educational experiences in the visual arts.