Beaufort Academy helps the community

The Beaufort Academy Faculty & Staff spent a morning last week volunteering in the community. Half of the staff participated in the Adopt-a-Highway program, the other half volunteered their time at HELP of Beaufort.

A second group volunteered at HELP of Beaufort, sorting and organizing clothing. Pictured are Bill Dalton & Connie Ambrose.
A second group volunteered at HELP of Beaufort, sorting and organizing clothing. Pictured are Bill Dalton & Connie Ambrose.
One group cleaned up Sams Point Road through the Adopt-a-Highway program.  Left to right: Front row: Nancy Compton, Laura Cenci, Susan DiFabio, Kathy Owens, Amy Melville, Jackie Bauer, Angie Twenge, Judi Babalis, Brock Vaigneur. Back row: Emma Roddey, David Byrne, Michael Millwood, Abby Mitchell, Carol Ann Richards, Weezy Alcott.
One group cleaned up Sams Point Road through the Adopt-a-Highway program. Left to right: Front row: Nancy Compton, Laura Cenci, Susan DiFabio, Kathy Owens, Amy Melville, Jackie Bauer, Angie Twenge, Judi Babalis, Brock Vaigneur. Back row: Emma Roddey, David Byrne, Michael Millwood, Abby Mitchell, Carol Ann Richards, Weezy Alcott.
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