BCSD’s Back-to-School Expo set for July 30

From staff reports

The Beaufort County School District is teaming up with government agencies and private-sector business partners to hold its “Back-to-School Expo” designed to give students and their families a free day of fun, door prizes, and valuable information about the upcoming 2022-23 school year.

This year’s Expo is set for Saturday, July 30, at the Beaufort-Jasper Academy of Career Excellence, located at 80 Lowcountry Drive in Ridgeland. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“We are excited to kick-off this school year and this event is a terrific way for families to gather a lot of practical and helpful information,” Student Services Officer Juliet White, Ph.D., said in a news release. “District schools are pitching in, district employees are volunteering on a Saturday, and we’re glad to have participation from our business partners, civic groups and faith-based groups.”

Students and their families are encouraged to attend the events, which will feature:

– Booths operated by district schools that can supply information about school activities.

– Door prizes from local restaurants and businesses.

– Free school supplies for students.

– Free dental and health services provided by Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Comprehensive Health Services and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).

– District Food Services will be available to answer questions about the free and reduced lunch application process, and the district’s new food vendor will be present.

– The district’s traveling preschool bus will be on site, and staff will share information with parents.

Free transportation is being provided at sites north and south of the Broad on the hour, every hour, starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 1:30 p.m.

North of the Broad Pick-Up Location: Robert Smalls International Academy (43 West K. Alston Drive, Beaufort)

South of the Broad Pick-Up Location: Bluffton High School (12 H. E. McCracken Circle, Bluffton)

BCSD families are not required to register for the expo, but those desiring free transportation can sign-up at https://bit.ly/3PXtlJ1 (or use QR code above).

For additional information, contact Student Services Manager Juanita Paylor at 843-929-4243 or Juanita.Paylor@beaufort.k12.sc.us. Spanish speaking families can contact Yanina SarliRotti at 843-694-4769 or Yanina.SarliRotti@beaufort.k12.sc.us.

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