Beau Cooper, a recent graduate of Beaufort Academy, received a medal, certificate and a chapter stipend from the Governor Paul Hamilton Sons of the American Revolution Beaufort Chapter. He will be a Freshman at Baylor University in the fall.

BA’s Cooper wins Eagle Scout Award


From staff reports

The Governor Paul Hamilton Sons of the American Revolution Beaufort Chapter earlier this month recognized Robert “Beau” Cooper of Scout Troop 200 as the Chapter’s Eagle Scout of 2021-2022.

Following a presentation of the SAR Eagle Scout Medal, President Mike Monahan asked Cooper to described his project to the 50 members and guests attending the chapter’s second quarterly meeting.

Cooper’s Eagle Scout Project was a memorial and teaching garden at Beaufort Academy to honor two students lost before their time. Anna Grace Dennis and Emily Wilson were both outstanding young ladies and friend’s of Cooper’s and both strong positive influences at the Academy.

Cooper knew of an abandoned garden area behind the middle school that had laid dormant for years, and he planned to turn the area into a Memorial Garden. His design consisted of four raised flower beds with flowering plants and a large crepe myrtle in the center of the garden. Teachers could use it as an outdoor teaching area, and the raised beds could be studied by science classes.

He personally raised funds for the project and passed a very stringent board of review to get his Eagle Scout project approved. His Troop came together one November morning to transform the area into the beautiful design he created. The school and family members were more than thankful for the garden in memory of these precious young women.

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