Cassandra King will now be joining in one of the signings with author John Warley for her newest publication “Same Sweet Girls’ Guide to Life” on Sunday, May 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. at McIntosh Books on Bay Street in downtown Beaufort.

Based on a commencement address she delivered to her alma mater, The University of Montevallo (formerly Alabama College), Cassandra‘s instructions for life become especially affecting through her satirical turn on the word “sweet” throughout the book. A “sweet” and worldly beauty queen’s talk at convocation when Cassandra was a student helped her discover the difference between a “Southern Belle” and the true meaning of “sweet.” She and others (the fictionalized friends in her novel Same Sweet Girls) were empowered that day to rebel against the superficiality of “sweet” and frame life in a different way. Thus, the book follows with seven simple yet profound guides for living an authentic and generous life.
This genuinely “sweet” book is a gem of wisdom and a gift for people young or old.