Arts Events

• Indie Film at USCB Center for the Arts: A ROYAL AFFAIR, Thursday, January 24 at 7 p.m.  Nominated For Best Foreign Film By Academy Awards, Danish with English subtitles, rated R. “A Royal Affair” is the true story of an ordinary man who wins the queen’s heart and starts a revolution. Centering on the intriguing love triangle between the ever more insane Danish King Christian, the royal physician who is a man of enlightenment and idealism Struensee and the young but strong Queen Caroline Mathilda. Tickets: $7 Adults, $6 Senior Military, $5 Students.

• Choral concert set to benefit NAMI: “The Mary Green Chorale, under the direction of Mary Woodmansee Green, will present the concert, “We Sing of Love,” to benefit the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Beaufort County (NAMI), on Friday, February 15, 7:30 p.m. at The Baptist Church of Beaufort. Maestra Green is most known in the Lowcountry for her work as Music Director and Conductor of the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra. This choral concert will feature the Lomazov/Rackers Piano Duo and soprano Laura Sutton Flloyd, and will include the music of Brahms, Schubert, Stravinsky, Finney and more. Steven Branyon will accompany on the piano, joined by Russell Flloyd on the clarinet and guitar. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce Office, or by calling NAMI at 843-681-2200 ext 2.

• Beaufort Scenes: Beaufort landscapes made easy and fun using Water Mixable Oils.  Paints furnished. Instructor Jay Kenaga will teach classes February 6, 7, 8 from 1- 4 p.m. All skill levels – Beginners welcome at the BAA Studio of the Beaufort Art Association, 913 Bay St., Beaufort. Cost:  $75 payable to “Beaufort Art Association.” Completed registration form & check required to confirm a place in the class. Deadline for Registration: February 4. We supply the water mixable oil paint, paper towels, water container, and a photo of a beautiful Beaufort residential scene. Registration forms are available online at  Contact Ellen Long for details and questions at 843-838-3205.

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It’s a wrap!

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