Arts Events

• Indie Film at USCB Center for the Arts: STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: Tuesday, January 22 at 7 p.m. High school senior Carson Phillips (Chris Colfer) was destined for bigger things than his close-minded small town could ever offer. He was on a path to greatness, but destiny had a different plan when he was suddenly killed by a bolt of lightning in his school parking lot. Demonstrating that life is what happens while you’re busy planning your future, Carson recounts the last few weeks of his life via witty, insightful flashbacks, including a blackmail scheme targeting the popular kids in school that he concocts with his best friend and a home life that includes a mother who’s more interested in the bottle than her son’s future and an estranged father who suddenly appears with a pregnant fiancée.

• Indie Film at USCB Center for the Arts: A ROYAL AFFAIR, Thursday, January 24 at 7 p.m.  Nominated For Best Foreign Film By Academy Awards, Danish with English subtitles, rated R. “A Royal Affair” is the true story of an ordinary man who wins the queen’s heart and starts a revolution. Centering on the intriguing love triangle between the ever more insane Danish King Christian, the royal physician who is a man of enlightenment and idealism Struensee and the young but strong Queen Caroline Mathilda, “A Royal Affair” is the gripping tale of brave idealists who risk everything in their pursuit of freedom for their people. Tickets: $7 Adults, $6 Senior Military, $5 Students.

• Family storytelling with Judy Sima: Storytelling is a deeply fun tradition, and the only art form that should claim “anyone can do it.” On Friday, January 18, storyteller Judy Sima will perform at ARTworks. Judy is a frequent presenter at the National Storytelling Conference, the American Association of School Librarians, and her career includes many accolades, publications, and belly laughs. Tickets are $17 per person, $12 for students, $7 for children (12 and under) and $12 for groups of 10 or more, at ARTworks in Beaufort Town Center, 2127 Boundary Street 29902., 379-2787.

• Carolina Stamper presents Iris Folding Class, Saturday, Jan. 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Learn the Iris Folding technique and make four beautiful cards. No supplies needed. The cost is $22. Carolina Stamper is located at 203 Carteret Street, downtown Beaufort. Call 522-9966.

• Fripp Island Friends of Music presents an innovative performance of classical music with a Spanish flair.  Alfonso Lopez and Michelle Tabor bring their heralded artistry to Fripp on Sunday, January 27 at 5 p.m. at the Fripp Island Community Center. Tickets are $25 Adults/$10 for students.

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It’s a wrap!

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