By Lanier Laney
Alison and Dr. Mark Guilloud, who started the Animal Medical Center of the Lowcountry 25 years ago, gave a party last Saturday, May 3, celebrating the milestone for all their clients — both two-legged and four-legged. Dr. Mark credits his wife Alison with the 25 year success of his practice. “Alison has a great deal to do with a smoothly run practice. She does everything from payroll to kennel care. She has always been my biggest cheerleader and motivator.” He also gives credit to his hard-working staff. “Without my superstar staff, our daily routine would be close to chaos. They are always in tune, very obviously they have a way of making everyone feel special.” And he described his new associate, Dr. Wreden, as intelligent and confident.
The job is still interesting after 25 years because, adds Dr. Guilloud with a smile, “You never know what’s coming through that door.”