All-American Spirit: Hobbit Hill celebrates Fourth of July

Students, teachers and parents participated in a Fourth of July parade at the Shell Point Hobbit Hill in Port Royal last week on Thursday, July 3. Miss. Laurie led the patriotic group around the neighborhood, much to the delight of local residents who waved and cheered on the passing children. The youngsters were dressed in their red, white and blue tie-dyed T-shirts, and carried a variety of instruments, including homemade shakers that they made during class. It was a hot afternoon, and after everyone returned, the kids celebrated with juice and cupcakes. Thanks to the staff for their hard work making this a special event.

JJ and Ethan shake their homemade instruments at the Fourth of July parade.
JJ and Ethan shake their homemade instruments at the Fourth of July parade.
Mackenzie laughs before the parade starts.
Mackenzie laughs before the parade starts.









The big kids gets ready for the Fourth of July parade around the neighborhood.
The big kids get ready for the Fourth of July parade around the neighborhood.









Wolfe and Vyola look on before the parade starts.
Wolfe and Vyola look on before the parade starts.




Logan Grace doesn’t look too impressed.
Logan Grace doesn’t look too impressed.





The leaders of the pack make their way back to Hobbit Hill Day Care in Shell Point.
The leaders of the pack make their way back to Hobbit Hill Day Care in Shell Point.











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