Adaptive golf event held at Legends Parris Island – The Island News – Beaufort, SC

Adaptive golf event held at Legends Parris Island

A group of local physical therapists and PGA golf professionals braved almost 100 degree temperatures last weekend to participate in the Adaptive Golf Association training at the Legends Golf Course on Parris Island.

After two days of training, the group spent Saturday morning working with a group of civilians, veterans and active duty military with physical disabilities, teaching them how to play golf.

Adaptive_Golf_first_group“This event is designed to encourage, educate and entertain,” said Beaufort Memorial physical therapist Steve Giammona, one of the organizers of the event. “Golf is fun to play, as well as an excellent therapeutic exercise.”

Future clinics are planned, with the next one scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Legends course. Participation is free and anyone with a disability or challenge — including stroke, spinal injury, TBI or amputation — is encouraged to participate. The clinics are sponsored by Beaufort Memorial Hospital and Legends at Parris Island.

“I’m very excited about the program,” said Andy Hinson, PGA head golf professional at Legends Parris Island. “I think our partnership with Beaufort Memorial will be beneficial for both parties, but most importantly, for all the people we will be able to reach.”

For more information, contact Giammona at 843-522-5850 or, or Hinson at 843-228-2240 and



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