Once again, Friends of Hunting Island fundraiser a hit
By Mike McCombs
By all accounts, the 13th annual Pelican Plunge was again a success.
The weather was good, and several hundred plungers rumbled down the beach at Hunting Island State Park and into the cold surf, many wearing costumes ranging from shrimp to Winnie The Pooh to the pelican himself – or herself.

Friends of Hunting Island President Linda Miller said membership numbers continued to trend upward, as well.
“Our goals are always satisfied by sharing the joy of this event,” Miller said before the race.
All proceeds benefit Friends of Hunting Island in the group’s work to support Hunting Island State Park.
Membership, which costs $60 a year, also offers people the opportunity to select a volunteer category at sign up. Core categories include Lighthouse, Environmental conservation care projects, construction crew projects, sand dune fencing and special building projects, events and the new Shorebird Stewardship Program in conjunction with Audubon South Carolina.

The Hunting Island Nature Center will be renovated in 2023, and this fundraiser will directly impact those efforts. And of course, members can volunteer for the sea turtle program, counting nests and hatchlings.
For those still interested in joining Friends of Hunting Island or learning about its sea turtle program, visit the website at https://www.friendsofhuntingisland.org/.
Mike McCombs is the Editor of The Island News and can be reached at TheIslandNews@gmail.com.