A Low Country Parlor Jazz Valentine’s Event

The Low Country Parlor Jazz Series was inspired by remembering the historical Harlem Renaissance Period of the 1930’s and 40’s, when artists would gather on Brownstone  parlor floors to share their art — be it Jazz, Blues, Gospel, Poetry, etc. Healing Artists Veronica R. Lynch and Joyce O. Chavers, the owners of CreateWhole™ Wellness Service, have chosen to carry on the tradition here in the Lowcountry. They provide a venue for like-minded artists to fellowship, create and share their artistry.

Singer/songwriter Jan Spencer.
Singer/songwriter Jan Spencer.

On Saturday, February 16, CreateWhole™ Wellness Services, presents singer/songwriter Jan Spencer in concert for a Valentine’s Celebration. Jan will perform songs from her new CD “Home Again” and other fan favorites.

Low Country Parlor Jazz Events feature great music, great food and great people in a unique gathering.  A pre-concert reception offers refreshments and impromptu performances by talented audience members.  For the Valentine’s Celebration, musicians, poets, singers and all performers are invited to share their artistry during the pre-concert reception. Come, join us for a unique and magical evening of music, memories, food and fun.

The event will take place at 5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, at 974 Sam’s Point Road, Beaufort, SC, 29907. A $25 donation, payable at the door, includes light refreshments. Seating is limited so RSVP today at verojoy@createwhole.com.

Find out more information about Jan Spencer’s work online at www.JanSpencerSings.com. For more about CreateWhole Wellness Service, go to www.CreateWhole.com.

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