Reduce your chances of getting a cold or the flu

Summer has been fun (albeit exhausting), but do you know what we’re really looking forward to? Cooler, less humid air and all the apple-based desserts or pumpkin lattes that autumn has to offer. Along with the crisper weather can come colds and the flu. Here are tips to help you stay healthy.

1. Eat a balanced diet. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for supporting the immune system and overall health. So go easy on those apple desserts and order a low-fat latte.

Some dietary habits to follow include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, consuming lean sources of protein, eating healthy fats, and staying hydrated. And did you know that certain foods can support immune health and may help prevent or treat a cold or flu? These include garlicgingerturmeric, citrus fruits, and leafy green vegetables. Incorporating foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt and fermented foods, can help  gut health, contributing to a strong immune system.

2. Take vitamins and supplementsVitamins and supplements can play a role in supporting the immune system, such as:

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin has immune-boosting properties. You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, and broccoli.
  • Zinc: Zinc is involved in numerous immune functions, such as producing immune cells and regulating inflammation. Zinc-rich foods include lean meats, poultry, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea is an herbal supplement some believe may help prevent or alleviate cold symptoms. Some studies suggest it might have a mild effect. More research is needed to establish its effectiveness conclusively.

3. Exercise regularlyExercise improves blood circulation, allowing immune cells to move more effectively throughout the body. This can enhance the immune system’s ability to detect and fight infections. Chronic inflammation can weaken the immune system. Regular exercise can help regulate inflammation, promoting a balanced immune response. Physical activity can help stimulate the production of immune cells and antibodies. Antibodies are essential components of the body’s defense mechanism against illnesses. 

4. Get enough sleepSleep reduces stress and inflammation, both of which can weaken the immune system. During sleep, the body releases cytokines, which are proteins that help regulate immune responses. Adequate sleep enhances the production of these cytokines, promoting a balanced immune system. Sleep is a time of cellular repair and growth. This includes repairing immune cells and other tissues crucial for fighting infections. 

5. Reduce stressChronic stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol. At high levels, it can suppressimmune responses. Prolonged stress can lead to increased inflammation in the body. This is linked to a weakened immune system and various health issues. Stress can also interfere with the communication between immune cells, affecting their ability to respond effectively to threats.

6. Avoid or limit alcoholHigh levels of alcohol can impair the production and function of immune cells, making the body less able to fight off infections. Heavy alcohol use can lead to chronic inflammation. It can weaken the immune system and contribute to various health issues. Long-term heavy alcohol use can increase the risk of infections, including respiratory infections such as pneumonia.

7. Drink green teaGreen tea has high levels of antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. This antioxidant activity can support immune function. Green tea also contains polyphenols. Polyphenols have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can contribute to a balanced immune system. Check with your doctor to confirm that drinking green tea will not interfere with any medication you are taking.

8. Get vaccinatedThe flu vaccine can significantly reduce the risk of contracting the flu virus or experiencing severe symptoms if a person does contract it. By receiving the flu vaccine, people can also reduce the chances of becoming carriers of the virus and transmitting it to others, especially those more vulnerable to complications. Infants, older adults, pregnant people, and people with certain health conditions have a higher risk of severe flu-related complications. Also consider getting the latest COVID-19 booster. Getting vaccinated helps protect these people.

9. Wash hands regularlyMany illnesses, including colds and the flu, are transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces. Washing hands helps remove germs and reduce the risk of infection. Regular handwashing breaks the chain of transmission. It helps prevent people from picking up germs and passing them to their mouth, eyes, or other people.

10. Avoid sharing germsViruses that cause colds and flu are often transmitted through respiratory droplets released when a person with the virus coughs, sneezes, or talks. Avoiding close contact with sick people reduces the risk of exposure.

To prevent illness, it is best to refrain from sharing personal items, such as utensils, drinking glasses, water bottles, toothbrushes, or cosmetics. These items can transfer germs from one person to another. 

When in a public setting, is best to regularly wash hands or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching door handles, railings, buttons, and anything else people may have touched. 

It is also a good idea for a person to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose, or mouth unless they know their hands are clean. 

In summary, many proactive measures can strengthen the immune system, reduce exposure to germs, and promote overall well-being. By combining the above tips, people can aim to reduce their risk of developing a cold or the flu.


Key facts about influenza (flu). (2022);  Rhinoviruses (2023);  

Stress effects on the body. (2023)

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