Junior Service League of Beaufort seeks volunteer projects

The Junior Service League of Beaufort is accepting requests from nonprofit organizations, community agencies and service providers for volunteer projects that league members will participate in between Sept. 1, 2015 and May 31, 2016. The Junior Service League of Beaufort is a nonprofit organization committed to helping the community through volunteerism. The league aims to connect its members with unique, fulfilling volunteer opportunities that enrich the lives of women, children and families in Beaufort County. Successful applicants will demonstrate a need for their proposed projects and will outline measurable outcomes.

Project request forms and instructions are available online at www.juniorserviceleagueofbeaufort.org. Completed project request forms must be received by April 30, 2015. Inquiries and requests should be directed to Service Project Committee, Junior Service League of Beaufort, P.O. Box 1964, Beaufort, South Carolina 29901 or jslbft@yahoo.com.

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Winter allergies

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