Little Bits of Royal Chatter

By Peggy Chandler

Members of the Royal Pines Garden Club recently visited the Daylily Farm on St. Helena Island.  Minnie Edwins operates the Daylily Farm, and the timing was perfect — the daylily’s were in full bloom and magnificent for the Garden Club visit. The ladies purchased daylilies and were instructed on how to plant, mulch, water and divide the plants. At the end of their visit, they enjoyed a picnic lunch in the daylily garden. Monthly meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month commencing in September.  If you are a resident of Royal Pines and would like to join the Royal Pines Garden Club, new members are always welcomed. Meeting visits are available for prospective members enabling them to learn what Garden Club is all about. If you are interested in joining the garden club, please contact Marie Goode-Spencer, Garden Club President, at 843 379-5136 or email

John Clark with grandchildren- Danny, Ryan, Caitlin and Kyle.

John and Carol Clark of Wade Hampton enjoyed a visit from family over the Fourth of July holiday. Their daughter Sherrie Johnston, her husband, DJ, and their children Danny, Caitlin, Kyle and Ryan visited from Ohio. The grandchildren kept themselves busy with golf, swimming, collecting frogs and no doubt enjoying grandma’s cooking. Grandpa John took the children fishing early one morning. The catch of the day — “shark.” As you can see by the picture, a fun time was had by all.

A Happy Anniversary to Richard and Maryanne Bender of James Byrne who will celebrate that happy occasion on the 30th of July.  The Benders are also expecting granddaughter #6 in just a few short weeks.

Many residents of Royal Pines enjoy visits from grandchildren throughout the summer. One Nana (you know who you are) who is enjoying an extended visit from her tinies packed their lunch for camp.  This Nana (who was a bit worn out after several weeks of visitors) thought she was giving the children a container of healthy yogurt when, in fact, she packed them mealworms which were left in the fridge by previously visiting grandchildren!  I suggest next time Nana — go for the PB & J!



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