• Operation Christmas Child on Tuesday, November 5, at 6 p.m. at the high school cafeteria. Bring small stuffed animals, toys (no guns or soldiers), toothpaste, soap, washcloths, crayons, coloring books, pencils, combs, brushes, candy canes, wrapped individual hard candy, socks

(for all ages), and postcards.
• Dolphin Pride Band Fruit Sale will be held through November 15. Prices range from $20 to $37. Navel oranges, grapefruit, tangelos
mixed citrus delight (12 navel orange, 12 grapefruit, 12 tangelos) or triple charmer (12 navel oranges, 12 grapefruit, 12 apples). Checks payable to BCHS Band Boosters. See any band member or Ms. Brokenborough or Mrs. Grooms.
• Thursday, Oct. 24: Red Ribbon Week continues, we welcome DEA agent Doug Kahn as a special guest speaker for students in grades 2-12.

• Friday, Oct. 25: SADD Club pancake breakfast on Friday at 7:30 a.m. All BA families invited, cost is $5 per person.
• Friday, Oct. 25: BA Fall Festival, 3:15-5 p.m.
• Saturday, Oct. 26: SAT Prep classes begin.
• Monday, Oct. 28: The junior class departs for a three-day college trip to tour a variety of schools.
• Tuesday, Oct. 29: Starting today, the third graders at BA will be taking swim lessons at the YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next four weeks.
The Kindergarten and first grade classes enjoyed a fun and educational visit to Holiday Farms. Students, as well as parents and grandparents, explored many activities such as racing ducks (using water from a pump and rubber duckies), riding trikes on the “Hay”tona Speedway, grinding corn, roping a steer and milking a pretend cow. These activities provided hands-on learning in Science, Social Studies and Agriculture in addition to focusing on physical education and large motor skills. Families learned about farm animals at the Barnyard Zoo and took a hayride on a covered wagon to The Great Pumpkin Patch where each child chose the “perfect” pumpkin. After a relaxing lunch at a picnic table or under a shady tree, students explored more of the activities and burned the last of their energy on the playground and in the bounce house. The bus ride back to school was a little quieter than the ride to the farm and parents reported lots of naps at home that afternoon. But the learning did not stop at the farm! The activities from this trip will extend into the classrooms as teachers use pumpkins for lessons in the five senses, writing, math, and even student council

fundraising activities. Thanks to the thoughtful planning of this trip by teachers and parent volunteers.
The elementary students from Eleanor Christensen Montessori School recently visited the original location of the school at 709 West St. as part of their studies of its history. Mr. DeArthur Jordan, chairman of the board of trustees of Wesley Methodist Church on West Street, escorted them through the renovated classroom building that now belongs to the church. They also visited the Niels Christensen Park on Pigeon Point and had their lunch at the Pigeon Point playground.
Riverview’s 494 students participated in a Read-a-Thon during the month of September, and collectively the students read 406,771 minutes. The school said thank you to all of the “Mystery Readers” — the more than 25 community members, parents and grandparents who came to the school on September 19 and 20 and shared a favorite book with students.
St. Peter’s Catholic School’s kindergarten class, led by teacher Dawn Culbertson, is taking part in “From Seeds to Shoreline,” a program sponsored by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium in partnership with SC Department of Natural Resources and Clemson Extension. It is designed to educate students on the importance of Spartina alterniflora in the salt marsh ecosystems that are such a vital part of the Lowcountry, and engage the class in restoring this important plant life. As part of this program, the students will participate in hands-on science that addresses state science standards, supports our local coastal community and emphasizes environmental stewardship.