Izaiah Daise, left, and nephew Lacy Jefferson make sure the oysters are roasted perfectly during the oyster roast fundraiser for Team 2, Robin Angelo and Skykeem Gardner, on Saturday at Shellring Ale Works in Port Royal. Team 2 is one of 12 teams in the Child Abuse Prevention Association’s (CAPA) upcoming Dancing With Our Stars fundraiser scheduled for Feb. 17 and 18 at the USC Beaufort Center for the Arts. Photos by Bob Sofaly/The Island News

Robin Angelo, right, of CAPA’s Dancing With Our Stars Team 2, chats with Teams 12’s Sony Londono, left, on Saturday during Angelo’s fundraising oyster roast at Shellring Ale Works in Port Royal. The annual Dancing With Our Stars will be held Feb. 17 and 18 at the USC Beaufort Center for the Arts.
Lacy Jefferson, right, and his uncle Izaiah Daise, center left, pour out freshly roasted oysters during the fundraiser for Dancing With Our Stars Team 2 for CAPA on Saturday at Shellring Ale Works in Port Royal. Dancing With Out Stars will be Feb. 17 and 18, at the USC Beaufort Center for the Arts.
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Winter allergies

Exposure to indoor allergens is a common trigger for so-called winter allergies. As people are currently spending more time