Participants move up in oratorical program

Elaina Mansell and Brodie Brant of Community Bible Church Christian Academy have advanced in the American Legion Quadrant Contest.
“Both participants displayed knowledge of the United States Constitution on Jan. 21 when they presented concise and articulate orations on aspects of the U.S. Constitution in general and the Second Amendment before a panel of judges arranged by (American Legion Beaufort Post 9),” according to a release.
Mansell and Brant now move on to higher level oratorical competitions, possibly including the South Carolina finals to be held Saturday, March 11, in Columbia, at which $4,000 in scholarships will be awarded.
The state winner will move on to the national finals where all state participants will receive at least an additional $1,500 and the three top winners receive $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000 respectively.
To date the American Legion has awarded more than $3 million to contestants in the High School Oratorical Scholarship Program.
Lady’s Island Middle gets funds from arts club

Recently the Dataw Visual Arts Club (VAC) held a first-time event called the Art Crawl, where members toured six houses on Dataw Island to view the personal art collections of the owners.
The Art Crawl’s proceeds were significant, and the VAC board and members decided to use them to inspire and encourage young, budding artists.
A check for $1,400 was recently presented to Lady’s Island Middle School for their art program, led by art teacher Cadra Rooney.
Some of the money has been used to purchase cameras for the photography enrichment group as well as supplies for other art projects. Future funds may be used to further enhance learning through art in all academic areas, and by providing more training for teachers and offering field trips to museums and galleries.
Dataw VAC members will soon see the students in creative and artistic action. They have been invited to Lady’s Island Middle School on Friday, Feb. 10, to see the gallery and art studio and meet some of the young students who are reaping the rewards of this innovative art program.
Coastal Carolina University announces Dean’s List
Approximately 2,253 students have made the Fall Semester 2016 Dean’s List for academic achievement at Coastal Carolina University.
Locally, the Dean’s List includes the following Beaufort students: Jared Bibb, Mary Hart, Hannah Krin, Eugene Lucas, Tyshanna Major and Victoria Wheelen.
To qualify for the Dean’s List, freshmen must earn a 3.25 grade point average, and upperclassmen must earn a 3.5 grade point average. To qualify for the President’s List, students must earn a 4.0 grade point average. All students must be enrolled full time.
Also at Coastal Carolina, Alexis Mesel, of Beaufort, has been named to the President’s List.
State report card shows Bridges students excelling
Bridges Prep elementary and middle school students exceeded state standards in English during the 2015-2016 school year and middle school students also exceeded state standards in math, according to the school’s first “report card” issued by the South Carolina Public Charter School District.
More than 62 percent of Bridges middle schoolers met or exceeded state standards in English/Language Arts and 53 percent of Bridges elementary students met or exceeded standards for ELA.
In math, more than 56 percent of Bridges elementary students met or exceeded standards with 49 percent of its middle school students reaching that level.
Of the school’s 511 students enrolled and counted last school year, 37 percent qualified as lower income and 7.5 percent of students had disabilities. The report card showed Bridges Prep is meeting requirements to serve students with various disabilities.
“This is a very strong report card for Bridges Prep,” Head of School Dr. Nick Ithomitis said. “It is clear our students and staff have worked very hard, and of course we have amazing parent support to help these young learners achieve these high marks. We are very proud and expect even better ‘grades’ next year.”
Local Wofford students are studying abroad
Wofford’s Interim is a time for exploration and experiential learning away from the rigors of traditional academic courses for students and faculty alike. Students may choose from a variety of on-campus courses, professional internships and research projects, study abroad opportunities or their own independent study project, approved and guided by a faculty advisor. More than 200 students chose to study abroad during Interim 2017.
Michael Bass is studying abroad in United States. Bass, a member of the class of 2019, is from Beaufort. Also from Beaufort are Mary Catherine Carmody, who is studying abroad in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; Finn Koppernaes is studying abroad in Sweden and Norway; Drummond Koppernaes is studying abroad in Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; Laura DeRenne Roddey is studying abroad in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Roddey; and Natalie Simkins is studying abroad in France.
Ping-pong tournament to benefit BHS tennis
A ping-pong tournament fundraiser for the Beaufort High School tennis teams will be held on Saturday, March 11, at the high school gym.
Levels of play will include juniors, beginners to open division tournaments. There will also be singles, doubles and mixed events.
In addition to the ping pong, there will be food, drinks, raffles and trophies.
The first 60 entries will get a tournament shirt.
Tables, paddles and ball will be provided.
The cost is $35 for up to three events.Make checks payable to the Beaufort High Booster Club and mail your entry to: Todd Stone , 89 Dolphin Point Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907 or email Tkkg1360@gmail.com.