21st Annual CAPA Golf Challenge to be held

The Child Abuse Prevention Association will host its 21st Annual Golf Challenge on Saturday, March 28, Ocean Point Course on Fripp Island. All proceeds from this event benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA), Beaufort’s local shelter for abused and neglected children.

CAPA’s Open Arms Home for Abused and Neglected Children accepts placements from Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton, Allendale and Colleton Counties. The shelter provides a safe haven and emotional support to children in their greatest hours of need. Since opening the shelter’s doors in 1985, over 2,000 children, from birth to 21 years old, have resided in the shelter. CAPA also offers outreach programs at low or no cost to the community. These programs include character building classes for children and youth, parenting classes and support groups, and teen pregnancy prevention education. Local teachers, youth workers and others who come in contact with children through their line of work receive training from CAPA on how to identify and report abuse.

Register to play as a team of 4 or individually, pre-registration is required. The cost is $340 per 4 man team or $85 per player. Price includes a round of golf at Ocean Point Course, lunch at the turn, on-course beverages and prizes. There will be a chance to win a $10,000 hole-in-one as well as a golf cart hole-in-one.

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