10 Fixes for Smelly Feet

The Lowcountry has certainly seen its share of chilly weather this winter. You may have had to shelve your flip flops, put on socks and closed toe shoes or boots. This can make for a “smelly feet” situation!

If you’ve ever had smelly feet, odds are you’ve tried one or several methods to try to reduce the smell in your shoes and on your feet, cover it up, or hide it from those around you. Unfortunately, many of these choices simply delay the inevitable or don’t work at all. 

Smelly feet aren’t something people like to advertise or discuss, but it’s a common problem. And it’s not just something athletes or those with manual jobs have. . . anyone is at risk.

The good news is there are many effective solutions for preventing smelly feet. So, get ready to take a deep breath—without worrying what you’ll smell—and check out these ten fixes for smelly feet.

1. Wear the Right SocksSmelly feet are often caused by bacteria that forms as a result of your feet sweating and choosing the right socks to wear can help reduce that sweat—and in turn, the unpleasant odor. To help your feet breathe when wearing socks, go for cotton—it naturally allows more air to get through, keeping your feet cooler. Avoid synthetic socks like polyester, which can stifle your feet, leading to excess sweat that gets trapped and encourages the growth of bacteria. As well as natural, breathable materials, look for ‘active’ or ‘sportswear’ socks that contain special ventilation materials strategically placed in areas prone to sweat. 

2. Wear Socks with ShoesIt may be surprising to know that wearing socks can actually fix smelly feet. How? People who wear closed shoes like sneakers, dress shoes, and boots without socks can end up with some pretty foul odors because a good portion of shoes aren’t any more breathable than socks. Add in the fact that you don’t wash your shoes after each use like you do socks, and there can be a ton more bacteria as you go barefoot in them.

3. Change Socks Twice a DayIf you’ve ever had smelly feet, you know that sometimes you just can’t help it if your feet sweat. Unfortunately, it’s just the way it is for some people. By changing your socks a twice a day (or more), you can prevent the bacteria from growing and stinking up your feet, catching it before it really sets in, or at least reducing the smell.

4. Wash Running ShoesNot all shoes can be washed, but it’s worth checking if the sneakers you wear can be. The next time you’re in the market for running shoes look specifically for shoes that can be washed. Washing your running shoes in hot water every month or so can help rid your shoes of the smell, which can go a long way in fixing smelly feet.

5. Rotate ShoesRotating the shoes you wear can help prevent foot odor. You should have more than one pair of shoes that you wear on a regular basis to give them a chance to air out, as well as dry if your feet have been sweating in them. The longer shoes are damp, the better chance of bacteria growing and causing both your feet and shoes to smell. Find a couple of pairs of shoes that work best for your situation and alternate pairs every day.

6. Soak Feet in Epsom SaltsSmelly feet can be difficult to effectively clean and get the odor completely off of your skin. Often a shower isn’t enough, even when you spend a lot of time scrubbing at your feet with a cloth and an excessive amount of soap. And scrubbing at your feet will end up making them dry and a little raw, adding another layer to your foot problems. Instead of intense scrubbing, try fixing your smelly feet by soaking them in a simple mixture of warmwater and Epsom salts. Epsom salts are essentially magnesium and sulfate, which have been around for generations. Epsom salts are known for their natural healing properties, soothing scents, and hydrating benefits to your skin. Follow the ratio for water to Epsom salts on the packaging and soak your feet up to three times a day, depending on how smelly they are.

7. Use OilsThere are many oils you can soak your feet in that provide natural relief for foot odors. Use oils either in your bathtub or a basin big enough for your feet. Fill it with warm water and add a few drops of oil. Lavender oil can be rubbed directly onto your feet to kill bacteria. Just make sure you put on socks or slippers afterward to avoid slipping or staining your carpet (and allowing the oil to soak in and do its job). Many oils also have antimicrobial properties, including tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, and peppermint. The relaxing, natural scent is another bonus and oils provide a natural option for fixing smelly feet, so they’re worth giving a try.

8. Use Deodorizing Powder or AntiperspirantThere is deodorizing powder and antiperspirant for your feet. It works just like the deodorant you use on your armpits, providing protection from sweat and in turn, bacteria that causes odor. Deodorizing powders typically go in your shoes and work as a way to wick moisture throughout the day. Many products do last all day.

9. Use Antibacterial Soaps. When you clean your feet, it’s not just the remnants of the sweat that needs to come off—it’s the bacteria, and for some, effectively washing off the smelly bacteria can be difficult. To clean your feet well and to get rid of bacteria, use an antibacterial soap on your feet (not on the rest of your body) when you shower or bath.

10. Dry Feet Thoroughly. It’s common to jump in and out of the shower, hastily drying the body (especially feet) to cut back on the amount of time needed to get ready. While you might not mind throwing clothes over your damp body because it will dry fairly quickly or if you’re simply forced to because you’re running late, it could be the cause of or contributing to your foot odor. 

An easy fix for smelly feet is to ensure you dry your feet thoroughly after they’ve been wet, including between your toes. Know that this fix doesn’t just apply for after a shower or bath; you should dry your feet well after swimming, getting your shoes or boots wet outdoors, and after workouts. 

Whenever your feet get wet or damp, from water or sweat, odor could occur by walking around with that dampness. Drying your feet—even between your toes—really doesn’t take long but could make a big difference by reducing the chance of bacteria growing from the moisture on your feet.

Source: a CARE magazine® article excerpted from http://www.activebeat.com/fitness/10-fixes-for-smelly-feet/

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