Registration for Youth Flag Football league kicks-off at the Wardle Family YMCA on Tuesday, July 5th and will continue until August 12th.  The league is open to both boys and girls ages 6-12 and is a great way to learn the fundamentals of football and sportsmanship, as well as develop a physical activity routine.

The football season officially begins the week of August 23 and ends October 17.  “Our flag football league at the Wardle Family YMCA exhibits high standards of ethics and sportsmanship while promoting the development of good character,” says Mike Bostwick, CEO, Wardle Family YMCA, “Getting your children involved in Y sports at a young age is a great way to instill healthy habits that they can carry with them throughout their lives.”

Without the assistance of volunteer coaches, the YCMA could not operate its youth sports leagues. Experience is not always necessary, so do not be discouraged. If you are interested in volunteering, the Y will be offering a FREE coaches clinic prior to the season beginning. This clinic will help to brush up on basic football skills and to learn fun, new ones.

Interested participants can sign-up at the YMCA at 1801 Richmond Avenue in Port Royal or online at www.ymcabeaufortcounty.com.  The cost is $40 for Y members and $60 for community participants.


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