YMCA briefs for August 9th

YMCA accepting preschool applications 

The YMCA of Beaufort County, located at 1801 Richmond Avenue in Port Royal is now accepting  applications for its 2018-2019 Discovery Kids Preschool.  Discovery Kids Preschool accepts 3-and 4-year old children and is a certified preschool teaching the creative curriculum (the same as BCSD). Financial assistance is available. For more information check out the Y website: beaufort-jasperymca.org or stop at the Y front desk.

YMCA adult soccer registration open  

Adult Soccer Registration for adults age 18+ is open now thru August 20 at the Wardle Family YMCA located at 1801 Richmond Avenue in Port Royal.  Games/practice will start Sept. 9 and run through Nov. 5, 2018. Cost: $45 Y member and $ 55 non-member. Register at the Y or online: beaufort-jasperymca.org. Questions? Contact Mike Woods, Y Sports Director 843-522-9622.

YMCA swim team registration open

The BYAC Tiger Sharks Swim Team is registering swimmers for the 2018-19 season now through Sept. 10. The Wardle Family YMCA in Port Royal offers three levels of swim team depending upon an individual’s skill level. Youth ages 5 and up who meet minimum requirements will be evaluated by swim coaches to determine placement level. For more information visit beaufort-jasperymca.org, stop by the Y at 1801 Richmond Avenue, or call 832-522-9622.

YMCA adds additional CPR training dates 

The Wardle Family YMCA in Port Royal will offer four more CPR classes for community members this year. The courses will be held on four Saturdays — Aug. 18, Sept. 8, and Oct. 13 — from 8 a.m. to noon. 

Cost is $30 for this YMCA-certified course, and those interested need to register at the Y as space is limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact aquatics director Lou Bergen at 843-522-9622 to register or visit beaufort-jasperymca.org.

YMCA Exercise-A-Thon set for Aug. 25

The eighth annual YMCA Exercise-a-thon will be Saturday, August 25, from 8 a.m. to noon at the YMCA of Beaufort County located at 1801 Richmond Ave., Port Royal. Take one class or join in on as many as you can. All money raised will benefit the annual 2018 Scholarship Campaign, which funds financial assistance for local individuals and families in need. Classes include spin, kickboxing, yoga, HIIT, and more. The public is invited to attend. Cost is $10 per person with additional donations welcome. Contact Y Wellness Director Denice Fanning at 843-522-9622 or visit beaufort-jasperymca.org.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home