Women of Greatness: I am a champion!

By Martha Cooper-Hudson

I am a woman who defied the odds, did not give up on my dreams when everyone told me I was crazy.  I am a mother of three who became a billionaire with her idea. I was a little girl who loved to dream and dreamed often. I am Sara Blakley the founder of Spanx, Inc.

I am a young woman who was born in Mississippi, raised by her grandmother and father, later abused by family members, graduated from Tennessee State University, had the most successful talk show for 25 years, became a self-made billionaire, opened a school to educate girls in South Africa, and OWNS everything with my name on it. I am Oprah Winfrey.

I am a young lady who was raised on a rural island with my parents and siblings, who graduated from high school, who was rejected from American Idol twice but never gave up on my dream of becoming a singer. My album hits stores in October. I am Candice Glover, American Idol winner.

These three Women of Greatness who decided to become champions had three things in common: confidence, competitiveness, and composure to reach that level of a champion or a winner.  If they can do it then so can you. Whether you believe you can do it or not, you are right.  In order to become a champion or a winner you must be committed, driven, dedicated, and disciplined to do it over and over again. Vince Lombardi said, “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” Mental strength is a huge factor in succeeding in any area. Having the mentality that no obstacle is too big, no challenge is insurmountable, no pain is too painful to push until something happens is the mind-set that we all must have to be victorious in every area of our life.

The vision I have of a champion is one who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.  Having the faith in the things hoped for but the evidence of things not seen in the natural, while eliminating any doubt or disbelief in your dream, and your ability to become a champion or a winner is priceless.

In my life I have had the privilege to be in the company of some true champions and women who win no matter what. Sometimes as women, because of certain circumstances that have taken place in our lives, we think that we cannot win or move forward. Because of my divorce, the medical diagnosis I received, or the abuse I suffered at the hands of loved ones or at times people we did not know, we have given them the power to have control over our future because we are paralyzed in that situation. When you stop looking back at what was and start looking forward to what will be, then the champion will appear. The only way your past can ever continue to affect your future is if you continue to moonwalk backwards, or you continue to pay attention to the bug that hit your windshield.

When you start to believe in yourself even when no one else believed in you, start speaking the right words, saying what you want and going after what you want, you will become that champion. A champion is someone who gets up when others do not. A champion is afraid of losing when everyone else is afraid of winning. But a true champion will fight through anything and truly understands that failure is not an option.

So ask yourself when your moment comes for you to elevate to the next level or to climb your next step, will you have the confidence, competitiveness and the composure to get to that champion level? I challenge each of you to find the champion in you this week: Aspire to inspire other Women of Greatness before you expire.

Join other Women of Greatness who became champions at Beaufort’s first Classy & Sassy Tasty Tuesday Women Night out with a Purpose, October 15, 2013 at the Holiday Inn & Suites from 5:30 to 9 p.m.  To purchase tickets, please go to http://tastytuesday-efbevent.eventbrite.com.

Ladies let me hear from you! If you or someone you know has a story on how you defied the odds by becoming a Woman of Greatness, or a Woman who Wins, email me at womenofgreatness@gmail.com.

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