Members of the Wolf Pack recently competed in two track meets. Last weekend at a meet in

Bluffton, Wolf Pack 2 (Noah Brock, Joel DeWolfe, Joseph DeWolfe and Joey Trpcic) placed first in the 4 x 200 relay. Wolf Pack 1 (Marlon Belden, Nash Mills, Antwan Simmons and Eli Smith) placed second and Wolf Pack 3 (Jack Brock, Christopher DeWolfe, Nicholas DeWolfe and Wit Fordham) placed third. Nash won the mile run in 6:25. Marlon was second, Noah was third and Joey fourth. Nash and Marlon tied for first place in the 800 meters. On Saturday, Nash and Marlon competed at an indoor meet in Clemson. Nash won the 1-mile run and the 3,000-meter run. Marlon placed second in the 800-meter run, the 3,000-meter run, and the long jump.