What’s happening this weekend?


Alzheimer’s support group meetings offered

An afternoon of food, fellowship and fun will be had at the Parkinson’s Support Group of the Lowcountry’s next meeting on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 1:30 p.m. at Helena House in Port Royal. The group will meet to discuss its plans for the upcoming New Year and enjoy some festive refreshments. The monthly support group meetings are held at Helena House on Paris Avenue in Port Royal (across from the U.S. Post Office) on the first Thursday of every month. The meetings are free and open to anyone who is living with Parkinson’s Disease or who is a caregiver or has a loved one suffering from Parkinson’s. For more information or to arrange transportation, contact Rose at Helena House at 843-982-0233 or e-mail rewing@alcco.com.

A Not So Silent Night: Christmas at the Shed

Because storytelling is a gift, on Thursday, December 6, the Uncalled For Trio will be back in Port Royal with their 2012 “A Not So Silent Night Christmas” storytelling tour. Storytellers Bill Lepp, Kim Weitkamp, and Andy Irwin will share new stories and songs, and all the ho-ho-ho hilarity you can stand.

All is chuckles, all is bright, and all the tickets are at the door only: $8 for adults and $4 for student (to 21) and children. 7:30 p.m. at The Shed on Paris Avenue in Old Village Port Royal. Sponsored by the Town of Port Royal and produced by ARTworks,www.ArtWorksInBeaufort.org.

Give blood to help victims of Hurricane Sandy

During Hurricane Sandy, the American Red Cross had to cancel more than 370 blood drives resulting in a shortfall of more than 12,500 units of blood and platelets. So this December, give the gift of life and help replace the critical need of blood in the NY/NJ area. The Carteret Street United Methodist Church-sponsored American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, Dec. 6, in the Fellowship Hall from noon until 6 p.m. To make an appointment, call 1-866-611-7137 or log onto www.givelife.org. For questions, call Merle Hoagland 522-2073 or e-mail merle13@embarqmail.com.

Black Chamber to hold Friday networking event

The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event on Friday, December 7 hosted by the Law Office of Clifford Bush, III located at 28 Old Jericho Road in Beaufort. Join us from 6 to 8 p.m. for the last event of the year where, “working together, we can make a difference.”  There will be light refreshments. For more information, call 843-986-1102.

Habersham first friday hosts holiday market

Santa Claus, along with various holiday food, arts and craft vendors, will bring holiday cheer to the Habersham Marketplace on Friday, Dec. 7, from 4-7 p.m. for the Habersham Holiday Market. The event, sponsored by 94.5 The Coast and Butler Chrysler Dodge Jeep, is part of the year-round First Fridays event series in the Marketplace. Featuring festive music by Beaufort’s Billy Drysdale, a family s’mores roast, an expanded farmer’s market, photos with Santa and a special program by the Shanklin Elementary School Chorus, the Habersham Holiday Market will boast the sights, sounds and smells of the season. Photos with Santa will be offered by WallFlower Photographie of Beaufort. Digital images can be purchased for $15 and various prints can be purchased for $20. Photos will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. The Shanklin Elementary School Chorus, led by music teacher Cindy McCain, will perform at 4:30 p.m. The Habersham Marketplace is located at 13 Market St., off of Joe Frazier Road in Beaufort. For more information, visit www.habershammarketplace.com.

Musical theater: Gullah Kinfolk Christmas Wish

The full-stage, original musical, Gullah Kinfolk Christmas Wish, is intended for people of all ages and races who want to catch the holiday spirit and will be presented Friday, December 7 at 7 p.m. at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Center For the Arts. The production stars Aunt Pearlie Sue, nationally acclaimed storyteller, and her Gullah Kinfolk, a professional singing cast of 20 members, who bring history alive on stage. Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. Admission is $10 for those aged 7 to 17. For more information, contact the Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce at 843-986-1102 or www.bcbcc.org.

ARTworks presents a Christmas Cabaret

Snap your fingers, sing along and reminisce on Friday, December 7 in Beaufort Town Center.

Jingle bells~ it’s a cabaret of your favorite Christmas Classics, as well as seasonal gems from Gospel, Blues, Jazz, Broadway and Country too! On Friday, December 7 at 8 p.m., enjoy all these wintertime favorites, sung by three excellent soloists, with some really cool, sweet harmonies. There will be an audience sing along, as well as trivia.

Holiday singers include: Terry Herron, Jenny Zmarzly, Priscilla Williams and Eric Jones, well known throughout the Lowcountry as the premier jazz pianist. Tickets are $17 per person, $12 for students, $7 for children and $12 for groups of 10 or more: 843-379-2787.

25th annual senior citizen banquet and concert

Bethesda Christian Fellowship invites you to our 25th Annual Senior Citizen Banquet and Concert on Saturday, December 8, 3 p.m. at Lady’s Island Middle School Gymnasium (30 Cougar Drive, Beaufort). For additional information or transportation request,  please call 843-838-4410.

Book signings by local authors

• This Saturday, Dec. 8, author Pat Branning will hold a book signing  at the Rhett House Inn. While on your way to the Light Up the Night Boat Parade at Waterfront Park, first stop off at the Rhett House Inn at 5 p.m. for Pat Branning to sign one of her best-selling Lowcountry cookbooks, “Shrimp, Collards, & Grits” for that special Christmas Gift, and have a cup of eggnog!

• Beaufort author and photographer Janet Garrity will sign copies of her book “Goin’ Down the River, Fish Camps of the Sea Islands” on Friday, December 7, from 5 to 8 p.m., at McIntosh Book Shoppe, 917 Bay Street, along with other local authors. Then she will be at Fordham Market on Saturday, Dec. 8, 701 Bay Street, where Mags, Mugs, & More, located inside the market, will host a book signing from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Christmas musical: A Christmas Prayer

Shell Point Baptist Church would like to invite you to enjoy “A Christmas Prayer” on Saturday, December 8 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 9 at 6 p.m. The church is located at 871 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort. For more information, please call 843-522-8616.

Motorcycle Toy Run at The Salvation Army

The public is invited to come to the Motorcycle Toy Run on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. at The Salvation Army in Beaufort, 2505 North Street. If you are riding, please bring a $10 new unwrapped toy or cash donation of $10.  lf you are not riding, you can bring a new unwrapped toy. The toys help the  Salvation Army provide families with gifts and food at Christmas time. This year, The Salvation Army will be assisting more than 800 needy families in Beaufort and Jasper counties.

Rosie O’gradys sponsors a bike run/oyster roast

There will be a Bike Run/Oyster Roast for Toys for Tots on Sunday, December 9. The bike run will leave Southern Scooters by 1 p.m. and end up at Rosie O’Gradys by 3 p.m. Fresh steamed oysters and clams will be served starting at 3 p.m. In addition, there will be a big pot of Jumbalaya for those who can’t stomach the hardshells, and the kitchen will be open.

Beaufort Art Association presents holiday show

This is the time of year when we hum the familiar songs, enjoy the glitter and shine of the stores and the streets, buy presents for family members and loved ones, and in doing all of those, we happily give in to the good feelings of tradition, the warmth and love of the season — something we all need and want. One tradition the Beaufort Art Association is proud to present again this year is an all-member Holiday Show that will run from Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 to Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013, at the BAA Gallery, 913 Bay St. This exhibit will include work by well-known local artists whose work is otherwise not regularly available through the gallery. If you want to give an authentic and enduring  gift to that special someone, or just want to see some interesting, colorful and locally made artwork, please visit the Beaufort Art Association’s Gallery on Bay Street, Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  and Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m.

Beaufort County tree lighting ceremony

On Monday, December 10 at 5:30 p.m., Beaufort County will have its annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The ceremony will take place during the last County Council meeting of 2012. The tree will light up in front of the Beaufort County Administration Building, located at 100 Ribaut Road in Beaufort. Special guests from Disabilities and Special Needs will flip the switch, illuminating the area and Santa will even make a special trip down from the North Pole for the celebration.

Main Street Beaufort, USA to hold branding forum

Main Street Beaufort, USA invites the community to a public forum for a branding/marketing charrette for Downtown Beaufort, Wednesday, December 12 at 5 p.m. The forum will be held in the Dolphin Room at the Best Western Sea Island Inn. Main Street Beaufort has contracted Arnett Muldrow & Associates from Greenville to facilitate six roundtable sessions from December 12-14. Information gathered at the sessions will be used to develop a brand for Downtown Beaufort. RSVPs are requested and can be made by calling the Main Street Beaufort office at 843-525-6644.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home