Private Personal Visits With Santa

Through Dec. 22, Every Second Counts Escape Rooms, Lady’s Island. There will be 15-minute private reservation times on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. Cost is $20 for first child, $7 for additional children/siblings. Activities include writing a personal letter to Santa, mailing those letters, hot cocoa, meeting Santa in the Christmas Holiday Room, a small gift from Santa and one free high definition photo with Santa. (Additional photos are $3 each.) Mask required upon arrival unless medical condition prohibits it. Masks not required for children younger than 4. Babies welcome and Santa will hold your baby. Santa will wear a special Christmas mask. During the free photo with Santa, parents can elect to have children wear masks or remove them. Visits with Santa himself are private. For more information, visit https://www.everysecondcountsesc.com/visit-with-santa.

Habersham Southern Living Showcase Home tours

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Wednesday to Sunday, through Dec. 27 (excluding Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays), 10 North Loudon Street, Habersham. Tickets are $10 each and are on sale at SouthernLivingShowcase.com. A portion of all ticket sales goes to benefit Friends of Caroline Hospice (www.focHospice.org). Allen Patterson Builders, Habersham Land Company and K. Lo Designs announce the completion and opening of “The Loudon,” built with innovative quality, functionality, and an elevated interior design featuring the iconic colors and textures of the Lowcountry. For more information about the partners and tours, visit SouthernLivingShowcase.com.

Historic Beaufort Foundation’s Lafayette Soiree Auction

Thursday, Dec. 3 to Sunday, Dec. 6 at https://www.historicbeaufort.org/lafayette-soiree-2020. HBF has transformed the 2020 auction into an exciting online event, with nearly 60 items and experiences to enjoy now or plan for 2021. Check the HBF website for unique auction items highlighted each day until it’s time to open bids on Dec. 3.

Photos With Santa

4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4, the Garden Courtyard behind The Beaufort Inn’s main inn. Sign-ups are required ahead of time and there are a limited number of spots available in each hour time slot. Santa, his elves, and the Beaufort Inn team, in partnership with Kathrynn Lott, local owner and designer at k.Lo Design & Style are creating a scene that allows Santa and Mrs. Claus to interact with families while maintaining their distance. All photos will be taken outside and guests will be asked to social distance from other families and wear masks while in line. Photos will be sent digitally to the email provided when registering for the event. Guests will enjoy the full experience of letter writing to Santa, chatting with and taking a photo with Santa, and will receive a sweet treat after the photos.

To register, people can visit The Beaufort Inn (https://www.beaufortinn.com/santa-visits-the-beaufort-inn/) or Facebook Event “Reimagined Photos with Santa” through the EventBrite links provided in the description of the event.

BA Blue & White Classic Golf Tournament

Tee times 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4, Ocean Creek Golf Course, Fripp Island. Tee times assigned the week of the event. Register 15 minutes prior to tee time at 1st tee box. Four-man Captain’s Choice (net and gross winners). Cost is $150/player (Includes lunch, golf and gift). Register to play or bid in online auction at one.bidpal.net/bluewhiteclassic2020.

Through the Glass: 10th Annual Nativity Celebration

Dec. 4 through Jan. 6, First Presbyterian Church of Beaufort sanctuary, 410 Church Street in downtown Beaufort. Sanctuary will be open for day or evening self-guided tours of 12 beautiful nativity displays in 12 sanctuary windows.For more information, visit FirstPresBeaufort.org.

Port Royal History Scavenger Hunt

10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Historic Port Royal Foundation & Museum, 1634 Paris Avenue. The Historic Port Royal Foundation will kick off a new History Scavenger Hunt featuring 23 locations in the historic section of downtown Port Royal. The brochure includes a map, riddles and histories for each site. Cost for the scavenger hunt guide is $5 and all proceeds go toward museum operations. The hunt brochure will also be available in the museum gift shop after the kick-off event. Historic Port Royal Foundation & Museum is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday-Sunday and by appointment. For information call 843-524-4333 or email unionchurch1004@gmail.com.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays