Lowcountry Glass Mosaics Workshop

10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 22, Morris Center For Lowcountry Heritage, 10782 S Jacob Smart Blvd, Ridgeland. Ages 16 and up. $55 registration fee. Create a luminous mosaic suncatcher in this 4-hour workshop led by glass artist Pat Stone. You’ll also learn how to safely cut glass, follow mosaic patterns, and grout pieces. Purchases are non-refundable. Register at https://www.morrisheritagecenter.org/event-5047016.

‘Southern Comforts’ Quilt Show

10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, April 28; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 29, National Guard Armory (Beaufort Readiness Center), 1 Cavalry Land, Beaufort (U.S. 21 near MCAS Beaufort). Admission is $8 for adults. Children younger than 12 are free. The Sea Island Quilters was founded in 1987 “to foster the art of quilting, to encourage high standards of design and techniques in all of its various forms, and to stimulate an interest in the goals within the community.” Featured at the show will be approximately 150 quilts of all sizes and styles from traditional to modern to contemporary art. For the show, the quilters have created a beautiful quilt – “Sea Island Stars.” Sparkling with cleat, vibrant colors, crisp points, and exquisite quilting. The quilt will be raffled on Saturday afternoon. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5.


Karaoke with Melissa

8 p.m. to midnight, Tuesdays, Highway 21 Bar, 3436 Trask Pkwy, Beaufort. Enjoy food and drinks during Karaoke with Melissa.

Sharing Hearts Support Group

5:30 to 7 p.m., second Tuesday of every month, 2201 Boundary Street, Suite 208, Beaufort. Free. Come tell your 10-minute story of a life lesson or healing message using your own creative expression through a song, poetry, reading, art or verbal storytelling. Come away with an uplifting sense of support and connections or to just listen. Register by leaving a voicemail with name, phone and number of attendees at 843-525-6115 or send email to reneesutton@healthierhealing.com. Notification will be done of any location change due to seat requirements. Next event is on Tuesday, April 11.

Karaoke with Melissa

7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Beaufort Moose Lodge, 350 Broad River Blvd, Beaufort. Enjoy food and drinks during Karaoke with Melissa.

Trivia with Mike – Fat Patties

7:30 p.m., Every Wednesday, Fat Patties, 831 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort. Free. Team trivia event, win house cash prizes! For more information, visithttps://rb.gy/o9nhwe.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

9:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Rosie O’Grady’s,2127 Boundary Street, Suite 2, Beaufort.Free. Enjoy karaoke with either Parker orEric.

Trivia with Mike – Bricks OnBoundary

7:30 p.m., Every Thursday, Fat Patties,1422 Boundary St, Beaufort. Free. Teamtrivia event, win house cash and BeerBucket prizes! For more information, visithttps://rb.gy/o9nhwe.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

7 p.m., Thursdays, Amvets Post 70, 1831Ribaut Road, Port Royal. Free. Public iswelcome. Enjoy Karaoke. Dinner will beavailable.

Bluffton Night Bazaar — aLowcountry Made Market

5 to 8 p.m., first Thursday of each month,Burnt Church Distillery, 120 Bluffton Road.A highly curated selection of accessories,clothing, home goods, custom gifts andmore by local artists and makers.

Rooted Beaufort Yoga classes

5:30 to 6:45 p.m., Thursdays, CypressWetlands, Port Royal; 9 to 10:15 a.m.,Whitehall Park or Pigeon Point Park.Rooted Beaufort is a collective of local Yogateachers who host outdoor yoga classesand donation-based events with proceedsbeing donated locally on a rotating basis.

Wet Willie’s Trivia Night

7 to 10 p.m., every Thursday, Wet Willie’s,Beaufort Town Center. Win awesome prizeswhile you sip the worlds greatest daiquirisand munch on delicious bites.

Wet Willie’s Bingo Night

7 to 10 p.m., every Friday, Wet Willie’s,Beaufort Town Center. Win free giveaways,merchandise, and more cool prizes.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

9 p.m., Fridays, Highway 21 Bar, 3436Trask Pkwy, Beaufort. Free. Enjoy Karaokewith Lt. Dan.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

9:30 p.m., Fridays, Rosie O’Grady’s, 2127Boundary Street, Suite 2, Beaufort. Free.Enjoy Karaoke with Parker.

Karaoke with Melissa

7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Fridays, R Bar &Grill, 70 Pennington Dr, Bluffton. Enjoy foodand drinks during Karaoke with Melissa.

Drum Circle

6:30 to 8 p.m., 2nd Friday of every month,Gazeebo, Henry C. Chambers WaterfrontPark, Beaufort. (Note: Drum circle will meeton 3rd Friday in May – May 19 – because ofschedulig conflict.) Free. Anyone welcome,

no experience necessary. Eric Roy, a recenttransplant from Connecticut with successfulexperience in leading drum circles, is ournew facilitator. He will start sessions offwith 15-20 minutes of instruction on djembeplaying and teach a selected traditionalrhythm & accompaniment for participantsto play. In addition, there will be timeallotted for spontaneous group drumming.Bring a drum, if you have one, a chairand a desire to have fun. The Drum Circlehas several extra drums and many otherpercussion instruments that anyone canuse. To receive updates on future events,send your email to lannyk13@gmail.com.

Highway 21 Flea Market

9 a.m. to 4 p.m., every Saturday andSunday, Highway 21 Drive-In. Sellers,vendors, handmade items, unique productsand yard sale items. For information, emaillowcountryfleamarket@gmail.com.

Port Royal Farmers Market

9 a.m. to noon, Saturdays, year round,Naval Heritage Park, 1615 Ribaut Road, PortRoyal. Rain or shine. You will find fresh,local, seasonal produce, shrimp, oysters,poultry, beef, pork, eggs, bread and cheese,as well as plants, ferns, camellias, azaleas,citrus trees and beautiful, fresh cut flowerbouquets. There are prepared food vendorsserving barbecue, dumplings, she crabsoup, crab cakes, paella, coffee, bakedgoods, bagels and breakfast sandwiches.No pets allowed. For more information,visit http://www.portroyalfarmersmarket.com/, visit @portroyalfarmersmarket onFacebook or call 843-295-0058.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

7 p.m., Saturdays, The Beaufort MooseLodge, 350 Broad River Blvd., Beaufort.Free. Enjoy karaoke with Lt. Dan. Comeearly at 6 p.m. for Steak Night.

Eric’s Karaoke Krew

9:30 p.m., Saturdays, Rosie O’Grady’s,2127 Boundary Street, Suite 2, Beaufort.Free. Enjoy karaoke with Eric.

Karaoke with Melissa

8 p.m. to 12 a.m., 2nd and 4th Saturdaysof every month, Peaceful Henry’s Cigar Bar,181 Bluffton Rd, Bluffton. Enjoy food anddrinks during Karaoke with Melissa.

Beaufort County Earth Day2023 Clean Up Event

All day, Friday, April 21, with morning andafternoon slots available. Beaufort CountySolid Waste and Recycling is hosting aregional cleanup event and would liketo invite the public to participate. Thisevent includes numerous locations aroundBeaufort County. Participants will receive aT-shirt and lunch followed by a ceremonyat 4 p.m. to commemorate the event.Gloves, trash bags, and other cleaningsupplies will be provided on-site. Pleasewear comfortable clothing and closed-toeshoes. Once registration closes, people willbe notified of their designated location andtime for pickup, as well as where/how to gettheir supplies. To sign up and be part of thisyear’s Earth Day Clean Up Event, please callBeaufort County Solid Waste and Recyclingat 843-255-2735.

MCAS Beaufort Airshow

Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23, 2023,MCAS Beaufort. Visit BeaufortAirShow.com. General admission is free.

Family and community Field Day

9 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, April 29, Lady’sIsland Middle School. The school will behosting a family and community fieldday. Bring your family and friends andparticipate in a wide variety of events.

‘Release & Remember

11 a.m., Saturday, April 29, Henry C.Chambers Waterfront Park, downtownBeaufort. Friends of Caroline is holding acommunity butterfly release. Purchase abutterfly for $12 and celebrate the memoryof the ones we love as we release butterfliesover the Beaufort River. Names will beplaced on Memory Boards displayed atthe event and on the Friends of Carolinewebsite. Butterflies can be picked up at

10:30 a.m. The program will begin at 11with a few words from Coordinator ofSupport Services Steve Scudder, a readingfrom Battery Creek High School juniorQuinnie Clark and a musical performanceby Elaine Lake. For more information, callFriends of Caroline at 843-525-6257 or visitfochospice.org.

Wild Women’s Tea Party

2 to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 29, Indigo Hallat Indigo Run, 103 Berwick Drive, HiltonHead Island. Join us for a madcap afternoonof whimsy and elegance at the LowcountryLegal Volunteers 11th Annual Wild Women’sTea Party. Our Emcee is the beautiful andtalented Riley Miller of WJCL. Wear yourfinest jewelry and that perfect little blackdress and enjoy some decadent food,desserts and drinks. A perfect afternoonfor you and your friends! Our AfternoonHighlights Include: A Fashion Show with allthe latest styles from J. McLaughlin, ExcitingRaffle Prizes, and a Silent Auction withluxury items and local experiences. Plus,fabulous prizes for best hat, best dressed,best dressed table and as always, wildesthat! For tickets, visit https://rb.gy/2ar8.For more information, call 843-815-1570 oremail executivedirector@lclv.org.

Play & Eat – Dinner Theater

6 to 8:30 p.m., Saturdays, April 29, May13, May 20, June 3, June 17, and July 1, HiltonGarden Inn, 1500 Queen Street, Beaufort.Solve a murder mystery while you feaston a fantastic dinner. Just to let you knowthe murderer is hiding somewhere in theroom, and you may find yourself as one ofthe suspects if you don’t watch it. This is aprize-winning competition and everyone is

a participant. For more information, contact843-592-6209 or playandeatdinnertheater@gmail.com, or visit the website at www.playandeatdinnertheater.com.

Beaufort MemorialHospital career fair

4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 3,Southern Barrel Brewing Co., Bluffton.Beaufort Memorial Hospital (BMH) ishosting a system-wide hiring event.Prospective employees will meet with andbe interviewed by hiring managers duringthe RSVP-only event. Reservations arerequired to attend the hiring event. VisitBeaufortMemorial.org/JobFair or call 843-522-5680 to reserve your spot. To learnmore about open positions at BeaufortMemorial visit BeaufortMemorial.org/Careers.

A Taste of Beaufort

5 to 10 p.m., Friday May 5; 11 a.m. to 4p.m., Saturday May 6, Henry C. ChambersWaterfront Park.

Memory Matters Brain Booster Class

1 to 3 p.m., Monday, May 8, 15, & 22, FirstPresbyterian Church, 540 William HiltonParkway, Hilton Head Island. 99$ fee. Athree-week brain wellness course for activeadults that promotes positive lifestylestrategies for improved brain health.Instructed by Memory Matters’ CommunityEducation Director Debbie Anderson.

Lowcountry Christian Women’sConnection Luncheon

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 17,Hampton Hall Clubhouse, 170 Hampton HallBlvd., Bluffton. Derby Days: Feature-Heroeson Horseback. Invited Speaker: Rose Lewis.Cost $28, must be prepaid. Please makechecks payable to CWC Bluffton and sendto Carol Mock, 607 Argent Way, Bluffton

S.C. 29909. For more information call JulieOtt at 602-705-5465.

Memory Matters: Ask a Neurologist

10 a.m., Saturday, May 20, MemoryMatters, 117 William Hilton Parkway, HiltonHead Island. $20 for this session, or $40 forall Memory Matters sessions. Speaker: Dr. JillTrumble, St. Joseph’s Candler Neurology.

Memory Matters: Preparingfor the Unexpected

10 a.m., Wednesday, June 7, St. Gregorythe Great Catholic School, 38 St GregoryDrive, Bluffton. $20 for this session, or $40for all Memory Matters sessions. Speakers:Lowcountry Council of Governments,Geriatric Care Manager, Elder Law Attorney,Bluffton Fire Department.

Memory Matters: Simple Suppers –Healthy Eating for Two

10 a.m., Wednesday, June 21, FirstPresbyterian Church, 540 William HiltonParkway, Hilton Head Island. $20 for thissession, or $40 for all Memory Matterssessions. Speaker: Chef Kim Baretta.

67th annual Beaufort Water Festival

Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July23, Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park,Beaufort.


Beaufort History Museumat the Arsenal

10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday;10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturdays, 713 Craven St,Beaufort. General Admission for Adults$8, Seniors $7, Active Duty Military andCollege Students with ID $5. Children/Teens younger than 18 Free. Explore andexperience more than 500 years of BeaufortHistory with knowledgeable docent guidedtours.

The Historic Port Royal Museum

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or upon request,Thursdays through Sundays, The HistoricPort Royal Museum, 1634 Paris Ave. Themuseum features the turn-of-the-centurybusinesses and industries of Port Royal:Shrimping, crabbing, oystering, the railroad,the school and the mercantile. Great giftsfeaturing local artists are available. For moreinformation. visit www.portroyalhistory.org,email historicportroyalfoundation@gmail.com or call 843-524-4333.

Tour Historic Fort Fremont

Dawn to dusk, Monday through Sunday,The Fort Fremont Preserve, 1124 Land’s EndRoad, St. Helena Island. Free and open to thepublic. The History Center is open Fridaysfrom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Saturdays from 10

a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.Visitors can learn about the fort’s historyduring the Spanish-American War throughinterpretive signs, self-guided walking tourswith a smart phone, exhibits in the historycenter, and docent-led tours. For moreinformation visit www.fortfremont.org orcontact Passive Parks Manager StefanieNagid at snagid@bcgov.net.


Law Talk

Select times and days, Lobeco BranchLibrary, 1862 Trask Parkway, Seabrook.To register, call 843-255-6479. Free. Brieftopic overview with Question & Answerwith volunteer attorney. Saturday, April 29,11 a.m. to noon, Heirs Property; Saturday,May 20, 11 a.m. to noon, Starting a Businessor Nonprofit.


The Beaufort Trailblazers –A Volunteer Group

8 a.m., first Thursday each month, HerbanMarketplace, Beaufort. Anyone interestedin supporting or building off-road/dirt/wilderness mountain biking/jogging/walking trails near is encouraged to attend.For more information, call 843-575-0021 oremail universitybicycles@hotmail.com.

League of Women Voters

6 to 7:30 p.m., second Thursday of every month, Meeting Room, Sea Island Presbyterian Church, 81 Ladys Island Drive, Beaufort. Free. The Public as well as LWVB members are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be about the topics members have suggested as projects for 2023.

Zonta Club of Beaufort

6 p.m., 4th Tuesday of each month, Smokehouse, Port Royal. Until November 22, we are participating in a service project with a global organization called Free the Girls. We are currently collecting new and gently used bras to help women rescued from trafficking start their own businesses selling the bras. Last year our club collected more than 600 bras and we are hoping to beat that number this year. Our collection sites are Amy Bowman State Farm Agency, 1284 Ribaut Rd., Myrna B. Breland, CPA, 1 Professional Drive, Port Royal, and Nourishing Health Acupuncture and Herbs, 34A Savannah Hwy.

Indivisible Beaufort

11 a.m., Saturday, April 22, St. Helena Branch of the Beaufort Library, 6355 Jonathon Frances Road, St. Helena Island. Free and open to the public. The featured speaker is Tim Joy, the local chapter leader of the Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL), a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on policies to address climate change. Joy will share background on the Citizens Climate Lobby and its priorities, including putting a price on carbon, preserving and promoting healthy forests, reforming clean energy permitting, and building out our electrical infrastructure. In addition, Elayne Scott, a member of the Pine Island Cultural Overlay Committee, will share an update on the status of the fight to protect St. Helena Island.

Maye River Quilters

9:30 a.m., Monday, May 13, Palmetto Electric Cooperative, 1 Cooperative Way, Hardeeville. To attend the meeting as a guest, send an RSVP email to mayeriverquilters@gmail.com. For more information and for membership forms to join the group, call 843-705-9590.


S.C. Bluebird Society Presentation

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, Downton Beaufort Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort. Free. Glen Hendry is the Trail Director for the SCBS and will provide a presentation on local cavity nesting birds to include the Eastern Bluebird. Glen has a wealth of knowledge and expertise regarding cavity nesters. Please RSVP to Becky McCollam at chopperjoe1616@gmail.com or if you have any questions.

Fripp Island Audubon Club April Program

7 p.m., Thursday, April 27, Fripp Island Community Center, 205 Tarpon Blvd, Fripp Island. Roseate Spoonbills, Woodstorks and Limpkins: Craig Watson’s talk will center around three relative newcomers to South Carolina, the Roseate Spoonbill, the Wood Stork and the Limpkin. These birds were seldom seen in South Carolina until fairly recently and are now here year-round. Craig will explore the reasons behind this move north. Meet and Greet begins at 6 p.m., bring something to share at the snack table and meet your fellow birders. For more information visit www.islc.net/audubon.

Port Royal Cypress Wetlands tours

9 a.m. Friday, April 28; 9 to 11 a.m., Saturday, April 29, Birthday For The Birds; 9 a.m., Saturday, May 13; 9 a.m. Friday, May 26; Port Royal Cypress Wetlands. Bring your friends and visitors to a free guided tour of the wetlands sponsored by Friends of Port Royal Cypress Wetlands and led by Master Naturalist Jill Moore. The egrets, snowy egrets and woodstorks are all nesting and the rookery is an exciting place! Alligators and turtles are basking in the sun and spring is in the air. This is a great time to learn about this magical place. Tours are limited in size. T0 sign up at www.foprcw.org and register on line.


67th Beaufort Water Festival 5K/10K

8 to 10:30 a.m., Saturday, April 22, 904 14th Street, Port Royal. $20. The 67th Annual Beaufort Water Festival welcomes you to the Festival’s second event of the year. The races will start at 8 a.m. in beautiful Port Royal at Live Oak Park. This is a wonderful flat course that takes you along the moss-draped giant live oaks with beautiful views of the Intracoastal waterway. The course is USATF Certified #SC18011DW. 5k is a run or walk. Walk up registration will be available the day of the race for $25. Packet pick-up and Walk up registration at Live Oak Park on April 22 begins at 7 a.m. Awards to overall Male and Female and top 3 in each age division. Timing is provided by Grounded Running. Participants pre-registered by April 10 will receive a 67th Annual Beaufort Water Festival 5K/10K T-shirt. Registration after April 10, 2023, and Walk up registration cannot be guaranteed a T-shirt. Packet Pick-up will take place at Grounded Running, located at 2139 Boundary Street, Suite 108 on Friday, April 21 from 12 to 5 p.m., and at Live Oaks Park in Port Royal on Saturday morning from 7 to 7:40 a.m. Race day registration will take place on Saturday morning from 7 to 7:40 

a.m. to ensure an on-time start at 8 a.m. To register visit https://rb.gy/euwp.


Beaufort Masters Swim Team

6 to 7 a.m., Monday through Friday, Wardle Family Port Royal YMCA. Coached practices. Ages 18 & older, all skill & speed levels, no prior swim team experience needed. Visit lowcountryswimming.com for more information.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays