Jim Dickson

Whatever it takes


By Jim Dickson

While watching the Harris/Walz interview on CNN Thursday we saw one of the miracles of nature take place. As the interview — which by the way, I thought she did much better than I ever imagined she might – progressed, we were able to see the tragic chrysalis of the Biden administration that Harris has been bound up in for the past four years break open and fall away, and the wonderful butterfly that is the new Kamala Harris emerge. 

Coach Walz’s role was to sit there knowingly nodding in agreement and looking wise and fatherly, and he did it well. He even sort of answered a question or two. It seems that the new Kamala has discarded most of the old progressive beliefs that she has very publicly advocated over the years and is now running as what almost sounds like a Republican. 

She was against fracking, she is now for fracking. She was against building a wall at the southern border, she is now for it. She has joined Donald Trump in advocating doing away with tax on tips and social security. She would even be open to having a Republican in her cabinet, no names mentioned. Pay attention Mitt.

It seems that Harris has learned one of the basic lessons of progressive politics. If you are not in office you have no power to do anything. If you don’t win, you are left on the outside looking in and can only stand there with your nose against the glass and wish you were inside. So to win, you do whatever it takes. You say whatever it takes, and you position yourself to be close to the middle in order to appeal to the more moderate undecided voters, knowing that your base is going to vote for you anyway. 

Trump Disarrangement Syndrome runs so deep in the progressive base that even if they disagree with her newly found positions, they will still vote for her, so she has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing and saying whatever it takes to be elected. Once she has won, she can always change back to her true beliefs and continue to turn the United States into a progressive wonderland, very much like her current boss has done.

Does it strike you as odd that we have not heard cries of anguish coming from the likes of Bernie, Chuck, Nancy, and Barack. You would think that if she has moved that far from the people who put her in power they would be very upset with her, or maybe they are in on the plan or just maybe it was their plan to start with.

This is a lesson that many Republicans have failed to learn, they tend to say that they will stand on their principles and never compromise, even though it may be a highly unpopular position. They still have their principles, but many times are standing on the outside looking in and are powerless to impact the changes that they so firmly believe in. 

Trump is of course an exception to this. Like him or not you almost always know where he stands on just about any issue. He is happy to tell you, and sometimes it makes you cringe at what he says, but he has been pretty consistent in doing what he promised to do. When it’s all sorted out, most of it has been pretty good for the country. I think that he truly believes in American Exceptionalism, the rule of law, and governing by the Constitution of the United States. 

In other words, like him or hate him I think that you can pretty much depend on him doing what he says he will do, and in my humble opinion, that is surely not true of his opponent.

Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.

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